
Human Growth In The Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison

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When a human is born we know nothing. We are naive and don’t comprehend things that are considered “common sense” to other people . But we have a brain that holds and retains information so we can learn. We gain most of our information through trial and error. Toni Morrison plays on the process of human growth in her novel “The Bluest Eye”. Frieda and Claudia are naive about what it mean to be “ruined”. Pecola doesn’t understand that she shouldn’t go into strangers homes. Pecola doesn’t understand that she can not change her eye color. Morrison was trying to say the adolescence is very naive.

Frieda and Claudia are naive about what it mean to be “ruined”.“‘I don’t want to be ruined’..... ‘Besides, what about China and Poland? They’re ruined too, aren’t they? And they ain’t fat.’”(101) In this quote Frieda is explaining to her sister why she is crying. Frieda goes onto explain that she has been molested by Mr. Henry, a tenant in their home. Claudia finally finds out that her sister is crying because she doesn’t want to be “ruined” like prostitutes of her town. The two girls think that …show more content…

“‘My eyes.’... ‘I want them blue.’(174) In this excerpt the Pecola, a twelve year old African-American girl, goes to the town “witch doctor” and asks him to give her blue eyes. Pecola thinks that by having blue eyes she will become more beautiful.Pecola thinks that by being beautiful people will treat her better and she will be happier. But what Pecola doesn’t realise that it is impossible for her to change her eye color. Not only is it a rare anomaly for a black person to be born with blue eye, but it is impossible to change your eye color after birth. She is unaware that she is stuck with the brown eyes she was born with. Cosmetic contacts, if they were invented then, not common in this time. Even if they were in her state she is too poor to afford the price. Since Pecola doesn’t realize this she is

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