
Hughes And Hurston Analysis

Decent Essays

Authors have changed people and their views continually throughout time. Authors Zora Neal Hurston and Langston Hughes both drastically effected peoples’ views on African American people. Their most profound time was during the Harlem Renaissance, where they wrote several novels and poems about the lives of African Americans. These authors used their African American heritage and life experiences to compose these works about their communities and widen many peoples’ thoughts and actions towards the African American race. The timing of these authors’ stories, their very diverse lives, and their literature skills all helped them to accomplish their goal of change for their race and bring the races closer. Both authors emerged during the Harlem …show more content…

Hughes began his life in strife and struggles; soon after he was born his mother and father parted ways leaving him with no father figure ( 2015). While his mother moved around, Hughes stayed with his grandmother. She died when he was a young teen, causing this young boy more grief but also allowing him to go live with his mother once again ( 2015). Soon after these trials, he began to discover the art of poetry and started composing some pieces himself. When Langston went to visit his father in Mexico he wrote a very famous poem named “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” which tells of the soul of the African American and the heritage within them ( 2015). Hughes mentions rivers in Africa, tying this poem deep to the roots and showing the journey from Africa to America. During this poem Hughes mentions how “My soul has grown deep like the rivers,” which was an exact representation of many African Americans downcast thoughts during this time period. (Hughes 2017). This poem expressed the soul and mind of the black community during this post-slave oppression. Many white men still held grudges against the different race and still persecuted them daily. This did not matter to the African American community because they continued to push and rebel against the racial injustice. Langston Hughes used his poetry skills to voice the heart and soul …show more content…

This was a pivotal turning point for the former slaves to the white man. This renaissance finally allowed many of the poor and rural black communities to have a collective voice and make a significant change. Authors also helped by putting major books and poems out into America for everyone to read and learn about how the black culture operated and thrived. These authors, such as Hughes and Hurston, were single representations to put alongside the Harlem Renaissance that allow others to have a picture of what the actual black life was all about. It was no longer about slavery or persecution from the white people, but instead African Americans found a voice they used to give them an even greater freedom. African Americans showed everyone that they were no longer beneath those who forced them to tend their lands, but were instead equal and quite possibly could be better than many of them. African Americans no longer lived in fear of each and every day, but pushed themselves to the front pages of important newspaper, magazines, and everything else imaginable. They published works and obtained awards just as the white men did, and created their own music to express themselves just as the white man had once done. This

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