
Huck Finn Topic Sentence

Decent Essays

Topic Sentence: Throughout the novel, Huck travels to many places. His attitude changes as his moves from place to place, and it’s difficult to determine why. It might be due to the people he interacts with or how safe he feels in different situations. Huck has learned to lie out of necessity, and as he is introduced to the outside he questions the morality of it. While he’s living with Pap, Huck is tense, this drives him to lie more than he usually would. Here, it’s not out of malicious intent but just the need to survive each encounter with his intoxicated father. For example, when Pap finds Huck asleep with the gun, Huck doesn’t tell him the truth about why he has it because he knows that would only cause him more trouble. “ ‘What you doin’

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