
Howard W. Foster Why More Immigration Is Bad For America

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The Future and Immigration Negative comments about immigration claimed by important political figures have persuaded people to think they should be scared of immigration and the future of it in America when they should be welcoming it if they want the country to prosper economically.
Immigration is something that America has always had. Over the years the number of immigrants in the country has grown drastically. People from all over the world come to the country in search of freedom, a better life, and future. Immigration in the United States does not only bring people but controversy too.
While there are those who do not have a problem with immigration, there are those who despise it. Citizens of the country believe that immigration takes away jobs and or job opportunities from them. This despise of immigration is grown out of fear that immigration will one day leave citizens jobless.
Howard W. Foster and Steven A. Camarota, two writers, both believe that immigrants are taking to many jobs from U.S. citizens.
One resource supporting the restriction of immigration is Howard W. Foster, Why More Immigration Is Bad for America. Foster starts his article by stating, “Employers want cheap labor. They benefit tremendously from legal and illegal immigration in the current …show more content…

Solis, affirms the real reason immigrants come to the United States, which is to find a good job for a better future. This authors mentality in this article is that if America wants to win the future, that immigration is necessary. “The immigrant population also pumps up job growth by spurring the creation of new businesses to serve them as consumers. One figure shows how critical this growth is to America’s future economic security: over the next 75 years, documented immigrants are expected to provide a net benefit of approximately $611 billion in current value to the U.S. Social Security system.” (Solis

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