I can give to the Howard University community through excellence, leadership, truth and service by getting involved within the community. From what I know there are many opportunities Howard provides to get involved in student life. It’s important to me to connect and take pride in my school. Excellence is the goal. While being in the community I will constantly remind myself that I am there to have fun but ultimately to make something of myself and strive for success in my academics. If I strive in my academics, I know that I will strive in life. Leadership will help me put myself out there. It will help me get involve and take charge. I know that I am intelligent and I have a bright mind that will bring many ideas to the table. I want to
I am a dedicated, caring individual committed to improving the world around me. My dedication to achieving goals, be it academic or in extracurricular activities, has shown time and time again that I will not give up until I meet the goal, even in the face of adversity. I believe that commitment to goals is a valuable quality I could use to contribute to the community. I plan to join clubs that UCF offer students to work with and contribute to the UCF community. I believe working with my fellow peers to be an important and enriching aspect of college life. I am always willing to help someone in need or point them in the
Additionally, I would like Huntington University to know more about the leadership and volunteer opportunities I have been fortunate to receive. During my youth as a Girl Scout, leadership was one of the core values achieved through service projects and volunteering. In my years working at Target, I was often put in a leadership position when training new hires or covering for my managers’ breaks. Currently at my job at Juniper Ridge, I not only became a leader of the children as a role model and leader in educational activities, but also to my coworkers as a trainer and a mentor providing guidance. At Colorado Mesa University, I was fortunate enough to become the Secretary of our Exercise Physiology Research Club where I have been able to
At Missouri Southern I wasn’t getting a good response with service work and felt no sense of a community. However, at Washburn, I immediately felt all this once I stepped into my classrooms and got myself involved by joining the Criminal Justice Association Board. I put myself in charge of volunteer activities where I’m contacting many local Topeka organizations like Big Brother and Big Sister as well as the Restoration House and finding ways to help support them. So what exactly have I set out to do at Washburn University then? I’ve set out to connect myself in a community, meet as many faces as one possibly can on this journey, and help those who need it. By becoming Washburn’s Homecoming Queen I’d say that this title tells myself that I accomplished my goal by playing the part of this person I’m looking to be. I want to set an example for whoever is watching with this honor or not, because people need these encouraging figures in their
I have learned from fellow classmates and peers on how to become a selfless leader and follower thinking of others above myself. Throughout my four years of high school, I’ve been a part of many clubs, some that I am still involved in and some with important leadership positions. My main motive in getting involved with my community and school is to improve our school and community. In AFJROTC I have done over 250 hours of community service just within ROTC and have done over 1,000 community service throughout my community and school. I believe in selfless actions to help benefit my neighbor and peer to overall make us both superior. I am currently the Steele’s National Honors Society President, a Flight (class) commander and squadron (leader of all flights) commander, Business manager for 2017-2018 Squire magazine, Class of 2018 reporter (class officer). I have key positions in many clubs and organizations that have over this year improved and exceeded expectations. As I am a Leader, I have learned to become a respected, caring, strong-willed, straight forward, and reputative leader. I learned this mostly from the direction and teaching of Steele High School making me the leader I am
Crawford County, Kansas is very familiar to me; it is where I was born and raised and now, as an adult, it is where I work as a nurse. Barriers to healthcare exists in every community. There is a high amount of poverty in Crawford County that contributes to barriers to access to healthcare. Furthermore, Crawford County has several stakeholders that influence the health of the community and advanced practice registered nurse (ARNP) practice. In this assessment of my community, I will identify Crawford County, as well as prevalent health care barriers and important stakeholders in my community.
As one of the sixteen members of the inaugural class of Terry Scholars at UT Arlington, I have proven my ability to lead. My passion for leadership has given me the initiative to get involved with as many organizations as possible, and network within those groups. Freshman Leaders on Campus is the perfect medium through which I can refine my skills and collaborate with other leaders all across campus.
I have demonstrated excellence In leadership by being in Future Business Leaders of America ever since I was in my freshman year. I became secretary my freshman year, vice president my sophomore year, and will have acquired the privilege of becoming President my senior year. Being in FBLA has helped me not only grow as a member, but as a leader. Throughout my growth inside the club, I have been able to encourage others to join extracurricular activities, developing my interpersonal skills. Community service has also been a major part of my High School career. Whether it’s first preparing and painting the posters for an activity we are having, to being in charge of a fundraising event, my goal has always been to try to impact the community breaking
Ever since my elementary years, I have taken my education and the work I do seriously. My dedication to the qualities of scholarship, character, leadership, and service have helped me during my high school experience as high school was a eye-opener for a young girl with big dreams. A quote that is to mind when I think about what dedication to scholarship and character means to me is one by St. Jerome; “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best.” I have always gone past the point that is the best I can do in my academics accomplishments, building my character, being a leader, and helping others. I take pride in the fact that I work hard, push myself, and excel
I was always the kid in my family that enjoyed philosophical debate, and now with my recent love for African-American culture and history, I feel that the Telluride Association Sophomore Seminar would be just up my alley. Sitting in a room with a handful of other African-American high schoolers that have the same fire for learning and discussion as I would be wonderful, and possibly would foster a plethora of great new friendships. The workshops lead by the adult professionals would also serve as a good networking opportunity as well as the chance to understand what career opportunities would possibly available to me. I am a young intelligent poor African-American that has Haitian heritage living in Orlando, attending a predominately caucasian school on a magnet.
As my high school career ends, I notice increasingly how much life that I have yet to live and the opportunities available to me in the years ahead. The past four years have been great preparation for my future endeavors, but college is the path leading to my full potential. In order to reach the end of this path, I utilize my most valuable trait—determination—to set short and long-term goals and achieve them. It is with this “can do” spirit—like the one my grandpa, a former Navy Seabee, evinces through his stories—that I have set my personal goals: to volunteer my time in service to others, further develop leadership skills through experiential learning, and excel at my school work no matter how challenging it may seem. Though these may
The final mast of school and community involvement was catalyzed when I joined Key Club as a freshman. Finding a passion for service and leadership, it rapidly became my primary focus in deepening my high school experience. Key Club inspired me to search for further opportunities for leadership and involvement, leading me to join Student Council, Relay for Life, and so forth. Through my various executive positions, I have not only improved my own character and qualities, but also inspired others around me to do the
For scholarship I Also I get good grades and try to be good role model. For example, I took and passed my Global Regents as a Freshmen because I showed readiness by consistently participating and showing good work ethics. Even though I wasn’t in the honors class I felt ready to face the challenge as a Freshmen. What made me want to take to take this exam was to prove it doesn’t matter if you’re in the honors class or not just work hard. I’ve talked to the current and the upcoming freshmen about negative and positive things I went through as freshmen so they don’t make the same mistakes I did or so that they can do the same positive things I did. For leadership, I participate in class and encourage my peers to do the same. I help make sure my peers comprehend what we have learned. In sports, I push my teammates to get better but have fun at the same time. I start practices when my coach is running late and when my coach is out talking to someone I continue the practice. For service, I and my Mosque went out on August 17, 2017, and collect cans of food and a collection for $350 and sent it to Sierra Leone because of the flood /mudslide and for the people who lost their homes and family. We also ran a food drive to give back to the community and helped the homeless. For character, I show all the five words Integrity, Leadership, Courage, Curiosity, Concern and also Brother’s
Be Great. The philosophy that is the basis for every decision I make throughout my life. Being raised in an underrepresented and impoverished community it has pushed me to always strive for excellence and to put my best foot forward in everything I do. My mother, a very influential woman in my life, raised me to stay true to myself and put my best effort into everything.The legacy and vision of Howard University is one that I have lived by since I was able to think, walk, and talk on my own. Excellence is the standard to which I hold every aspect of my life; I am a perfectionist. Leadership is a quality that resonates throughout my hard work and dedication to improving my community. Recently, I, along with two of my classmates, organized a
First off, one characteristic that is important to both this organization and myself is scholarship. Although, it may seem easy to make and maintain passing grades, it is the added dedication that I possess that I hope you’ll be able to see. For example, during my freshman year of high school I was able to have a GPA of 3.8. Though most people would be proud of having this GPA I was not, I knew that I could do better and I was determined to make sure that I did. Therefore,
I will shortly be receiving my Bachelor's Degree in Multidisciplinary Studies with a concentration on business. I will soon leave the world of studies and enter what is commonly referred to as "the real world." While this thought is someone frightening, especially given the current economic situation the nation faces, it is also exciting as well. I believe that crossing this threshold will change the way I view my role in the community, as well as the impact I will have on the community when I graduate. No longer will I see myself as a "child" in society, taking what society has to offer but never thinking of giving back. Instead, I am soon to become a fully fledged member of the community, with responsibilities to the community as a whole.