
Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence Theory

Decent Essays

Introduction Learners and their learning styles are different. The aim of this essay is to illustrate how Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory can be implemented in managing a class using a case study. This essay is structured according to the following headings, multiple intelligence theory. Here, a concise definition of the theory, key concepts, and criticism will be discussed. After the discussion, the given scenario will be stated and key aspects will be highlighted. Following this discussion, said theory will be applied to the given scenario, with special attention given to English Home Language. In this part of the essay, techniques a teacher can use, will be discussed and applied to the given case study. Multiple intelligence theory Multiple intelligence is a theory formulated by Howard Gardner. Said theory, initially, stated that there are seven different types of intelligence; which …show more content…

Later, an eight type was added. Furthermore, each type of intelligence is distinct as it follows its own developmental route (Shaffer, 1999:319). The initial types of intelligence were (1) linguistic, (2) logical-mathematical, (3) spatial, (4) body-kinaesthetic, (5) musical, (6) interpersonal, and (7) intrapersonal intelligence. Linguistic intelligence, the first type, deals with a person’s ability to use both written and oral language effectively. Said type is also known as verbal intelligence. The second type logical-mathematical intelligence, on the other hand, deals with the ability to reason well and use numbers effectively. Visual intelligence, the third type, deals with a person’s ability to graphically represent visual and spatial ideas, and to identify line, shape, colour, form, and space. Said intelligence type is also referred to as spatial intelligence. The fourth type of intelligence is bodily

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