How to improve work life balance for Employees - How Google does it? Work life balance is the concept that tells us to maintain proper balance between “work” and “life”. One should be able to strike a balance between one’s work and one’s personal life that includes family, friends, pleasure, leisure, development etc. Nowadays, there has been a shift in the workplace due to technological advancement. It is more feasible for employees to keep contact with work by the usage of smart phones and laptops. Employees may respond to a phone call or email even after work hours or during weekend. The boundary between work and personal life is blurred. The burred boundary leads to work-life conflict. Salary isn’t the only thing …show more content…
These European countries provide shorter work days, two to six weeks of paid vacation per year, on-the-job education and training programs, childcare services and other incentives for helping employees to enjoy working and living well. Employees can also help themselves enjoy their work life as well as personal life by being a little more disciplined. They need a draw a line between them. And the line should be crystal clear, not blurred. They must decide what is important and what isn’t. They should know what is the most important thing to do, right now. All work can be classified into four categories- Important and not urgent, not important and not urgent, urgent but not important and urgent and important. They should prioritize your work and do it accordingly. The focus should be on things which only they can do. The urgent but not important tasks can be delegated to someone else, who can do it for you. All they need to learn is how to prioritize things. How Google achieves work- life balance for its employees - Google has been very conscious about the issue of work-life balance since ever. It offers services such as free food, free onsite physicians, travel insurance, extended family leave and even discount legal services. Google knows that employees give their life to the company. To achieve work balance in long term, Google is conducting an in-depth study that is scheduled to last 100
EDMONTON - Harvey Henry Estes, age 86, passed away Friday, October 6th at his home. He was the son of the late Ellis and Emma Jessee Estes. Harvey was a farmer and a member of the Red Lick United Methodist Church.
Introduction During the mid eighteen hundreds there were high tensions between the Northern United States and the Southern United States. One of the main causes of the tensions between the Northern and Southern States of the United States was Slavery. After the United States won the United States-Mexican War there was a large portion of new land for the United States but there was one problem. The Northern part of the United States did not want to have slavery but the Southern part of the United States wanted slavery. To compromise they split the remaining and new land equally among the Northern and Southern parts of the United States.
We’ve looked at work from many different views in this class. From the bottom in Mike Roses book, Mind at Work which looks at the, on the jobsite skills and intelligence needed in the work force. Along with the way our society and education play a role in that. And then there was the middle working class view by journalist and author Barbara Ehreinch and her book Nickel and Dimed, which saw a middle class person look at the low wage lifestyle of Americans, and her failed attempt to live off wages. It ended up very one sided and controversial since it was a wealthier person trying to look in on a subject they could never understand. But one thing that I never really felt or saw either one really look at is the connection between work and life balance they only looked at the different aspects of work and those factors. But I feel there was a factor left out and it is life, family, personal aspects.
A healthy work/life balance to me means that I am meeting my goals and fulfilling my commitments to the people in those realms of my life. For example, if I am able to, in the time and resources I am given, be able to spend time with friends while being able to pay my bills while meeting my objectives at work; that to me is a successful balance.
Each persons work/life balance is different because we each have our own priorities and lives. To have a good balance between work and life doesn’t mean you need to schedule an equal amount of hours in each day between the two. It means to have a
It is imperative that the employee can balance his/her working life against his/her personal life. With sufficient time off and rest periods, employees will feel “looked after” and be motivated to put in more effort. There will be a reduction of mistakes because the employee has had adequate rest which results in a more positive working environment. Employers who introduce such practices in the work place in order to help employees achieve a better and satisfactory work/life balance can expect to see an increase in motivation, enhanced performance/productivity and greater staff loyalty. By implementing a positive work/life balance, companies are successful, secure a good reputation and promote positive employee relations. The Working Time Regulations 1998 stipulates that employers should provide employees with the following basic rights:
Macbeth’s ambition develops into a cruel and evil passion after his murder of King Duncan and creates in him a desire to be, the ‘be all and end all’ of Scotland. Prior to murdering the King, Macbeth shows only a slight trend towards evilness. This is trivial compared to Lady Macbeth’s overriding evilness. In plotting to and finally succeeding in convincing Macbeth to kill the King, Lady Macbeth shows a vial evilness. This is first manifest when she appeals to the spirits to,
Work-life balance has been a popular topic for employees across all age and occupations for years, representing a rising concern of contemporary human resource management and labor policies. This topic has attracted the attention from the millennium generation, who is stepping into the market and beginning to grow a career. Therefore considering the increasing demand, well-designed workforce planning with diverse scheduling options offered to employees appears to be extra credits for most companies. This research paper aims to communicate the positive effects of four-day workweek, and providing support for why employers should adopt this schedule for employees and themselves through 1) introducing background and history of four-day workweek as a work schedule option and 2) demonstrating benefits of four-day workweek from both employer and employees’ perspectives.
Thirty-eight percent of Americans report some tension between their work and home lives. Today’s highly publicized work/life balance conflicts are multiple, and their nature differs significantly depending on the jobs individuals have and on their family situations. Tensions between work and family life clearly have implications for the well-being of individuals and their children and ramifications for society in general. Yet because the personal needs, desires, motivations, and economic circumstances of Americans are so varied, there appears to be no single way to resolve these tensions, no universal best practices with regard to work/life balance. For example,
As I was reading the "SAS" article I thought to myself this sounds very fictitious. It is very rare that corporation focus on their employees to this magnitude. The overall goal of the life-balance strategy is brilliant, because in the end there is a recognizable amount of cost savings. Some of the elements of SAS's life balance strategies include, a relaxed mood for the employees. This is a goal of Jim Goodnight, to have a nice surrounding for his employees. He believe that a person's surrounding, have a lot to do with how a person feels (Fishman, 1998). At SAS there is no limit to the amount of sick days that an employee can take. This allows employees not to stress and worry about losing their jobs, when things happen in their families and they need to be present. The seven hour work day at SAS is another element of the life-balance strategy that allows families to spend time with their families. Goodnight feels that if employees are off by 5 o'clock, they can sit down and have dinner with their families (Fishman, 1998). The facilities at SAS are equipped with 36,000 square feet of gym space, which can be used by employees at any time. To encourage usage of the gym facilities, there is a laundry service onsite. Ultimately, Jim Goodnight is
In “The Ethics of Work-Life Balance,” Bruce Weinstein explains that one of the fundamental ethical principles is fairness, and people demonstrate fairness in their everyday lives through their resources. Time is the most precious commodity in both one’s professional and personal life. As a manager, one must constantly ask themselves how he or she should manage their time wisely. But a good manager should always be a good human being just by managing one’s time among the projects and people he or she oversee. A worker managing their life wisely means not putting all their time in work, but to family, friends, community, self, and spirit.
I completely agree with your post. As you stated, employees want work to be part of their life, not their entire life. I think anyone can agree with that statement. Everyone wants to have a good balance between their work life as well as their social life. Reasonable work hours can provide a sense of freedom and control over one’s work (Stevenson, 2015). You also mentioned it is difficult to say what exactly creates the best quality of work life. This is a challenge for HR because every employee is a little different and they want to get different things out of work.
This is the first and the most important step. You will need to include some "me" time into your schedule and eliminate the aspects of work life that waste your time and resources. This level of serious commitment to creating a balance is essential to implement some of the crucial pillars of a healthy working life. Here are few you will need to consider while redefining your lives as you know it.
· Balance - "Management's recognition of the importance of personal and family life remains the top driver of employee loyalty. Employees who spend a moderate amount of time each week attending to personal matters while at work have a higher level of commitment to their employer than those who spend no time." (America @ Work 1999," Aon Consulting, Chicago, Illinois; 312.701.4844) Employers who provide a work/life/family balance
A healthy work-life balance has many benefits including better general health for the employees, higher job satisfaction, reduced stress in both the professional and personal life and greater focus on meeting the work objectives.