
How Would A Physical Topic Like Senses Be Valuable In Psychology

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Why would a physical topic, like senses, be valuable in psychology?

Our senses allow us to experience everything that this world has to offer. Each of our five senses play vital roles in our lives. Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior. If we lacked these senses our behavior would change drastically.

Choose any one of the five senses. What one aspect of that sense could be important from a psychology point of view?

Hearing definitely plays an important role in psychology. Hearing allows us to communicate with each other, to socialize with people, to work more efficiently, and to inform us of trouble. If someones hearing declines they will not be able to perform tasks as effectively and could feel discouraged. Many times, people with hearing loss experience things such as depression, fatigue, irritability, the desire to avoid social situations, and much more. The absence of any sense really could alter how one behaves. …show more content…

I have been asked this question before and have the hardest time answering it. I can’t even begin to fathom what life would be like if I couldn't watch the sunset, if I couldn't hear the birds in the morning, if I couldn't smell fresh flowers, if I couldn't taste yummy cookies, and if I couldn't feel my puppies soft fur. Even though I stand by my belief that all five of our senses are equally as vital, I would have to chose to live without my smell. It is not to say that I don't value smell however, I feel that I could adapt quicker to life without smell than life without something like sight or

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