
How Uplifting Music Can Boost Mental Health

Decent Essays

Music has been around since the beginning of time. We listen to music while driving, eating, doing homework, and the list goes on. In addition to listening to music, many individuals make their own music. We cannot deny the fact that music makes up a substantial portion of our everyday life. As a result, music like anything else that is embedded into our society has effects far from the obvious.
Emotion regulation is an essential component to mental health (Academy of Finland). Suffering from poor emotion regulation leads to psychiatric mood disorders such as depression (Academy of Finland). Analysis show that anxiety and an over all negative emotional state are higher in participants who are inclined to listen to sad or aggressive music to …show more content…

In March 2013, Northumbria University published research showing that uplifting music can boost mental capacity. The uplifting music was none other than Vivaldi’s the Four Seasons specifically the Spring Concerto (Northumbria University). The study consisted of 14 young adults who were administered a mental concentration task. The task they were given consisted of them pressing the space bar on a keyboard when a green square appeared on the screen, and when different colored circles and squares appeared they were instructed to ignore them (Northumbria University). The results showed that participants responded properly and faster when listening to the Spring Concerto compared to when they preformed the task in silence. While listening to the piece of music and performing the task the average reaction time was 393.8 milliseconds as opposed to 408.1 milliseconds when the task was carried out in silence; that is a 14.3 millisecond difference (Northumbria University). Furthermore, classical music is not the only genre that can have positive affects on mental capacity, “listening to any music that is personally enjoyable has positive effects on cognition” (Blackwell Publishing …show more content…

A Finnish group has investigated how listening to classical music affects the gene expression profiles of both musically experienced and inexperienced individuals (Helsingin yliopisto). The participants in their study listened to W.A. Mozart's violin concert Nr 3, G-major, K.216. Their results showed that listening to music enhances the activity of genes involved in dopamine secretion and passage, synaptic function, as well as learning and memory (Helsingin yliopisto). Furthermore, listening to music down-regulated genes that are associated with neurodegeneration, labeling music as a neuroprotective (Helsingin

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