
How Trump 's Newest Cabinet Members Could Be The Horsemen Of A Facist America

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Along for the Ride: How Trump’s newest Cabinet members could be the Horsemen of a Facist America. Two weeks ago, President-Elect Donald Trump made appointments for what are considered to be some of the most important and influential cabinet positions of any White House administration: Attorney General, Director of the CIA, the National Security Advisor, the U.N. And just like President-Elect Trump’s unanticipated election to the country’s highest office, the appointments are equally just as startling. Trump’s selections are perfect for the job of bringing in the reign of American Facism: right wing extremism, coupled intolerance and overbearing authoritarianism. And rather then simply lie complacent and hope for the best, let’s take a look at his selections to better understand how their remarks and political stances come directly in opposition to the American values of equality, progress, and free speech. Jeff Sessions-Attorney General-Jeff Sessions.jpg The U.S. attorney turned Senator from Alabama supported Trump’s run for President from the beginning. In February, he became the first U.S. Senator to support him. He was hand selected by Trump to be Attorney General, the head of the Department of Justice. However, Sessions, in 1986, could not be confirmed as a federal judge because of racist comments he admitted to saying during a trial of the KKK in which members of the Klan lynched a black man and slit his throat, in retaliation for the killing of a white

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