
How To Write An Informative Speech About Pineapple

Decent Essays

Overall I think that my Informative Speech about Pineapple went pretty well. The speech was in the given time requirements and it was not rushed. Overall I think the audience understood the speech and got a better understanding for pineapple in general. For preparation, I cut up a pineapple and got my visual aids together. Other than that, I review my notecards once or twice and that was about it. I planted my pineapple, which still hasn’t grown any, and tried to get the different stages of pineapple organized and ready. When I was up in front of the room I felt nervous at first, but once the speech got going I felt better and relaxed. I think that my research on pineapple was very good, and I think that my presentation went well. Something unexpected that occurred in the speech was that the day I was told to be ready to go, I did not have to go so I brought all of my visual aids and pineapple for nothing, and …show more content…

I had to bring everything back to school the next day, which was a pain. This made my pineapple not taste as good and become less fresh which was irritating. Plus, I did not like hauling stuff in 4 days in a row due to you not telling us the order every day. This speech differed greatly from the Shield Speech. The shield speech was about myself, and I think that talking about myself is easier than talking about an object. When you talk about yourself there is more variety in things to talk about because there are many aspects of my life. There is only so much I can talk about with a pineapple. You can't expand it or drag on. Next time I will practice more and try to make better communication on when I present and what time I should bring my stuff in. I will also have my group to work with which should be a trillion times better. It will provide more opportunities to find more information and increase our time. A time where I would maybe need to share a speech is

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