
How To Write An Essay About My American Culture

Decent Essays

The first five years in Holland were wonderful times, albeit difficult times; wonderful because we were creating a new life, in a new land, in a home of our own; difficult because after so many years of living through political conflict, my parents were impoverished and feeling disoriented being in a country where the culture was a stark contrast to the Indonesian way of life. As a young child, my mother’s parents took the family to Holland for an extended one year vacation, granted by the Dutch government where my grandfather worked as an accountant, however, my mother was too young to remember much about the ethnic differences to prepare for a permanent move. Nevertheless, my father and mother embraced the opportunity to “start from scratch.” While my father fulfilled his duties as a Marine on base, my mother worked to make our apartment, equipped with basic furniture provided by the Social Workers Association, cozy and comfortable. Decorating with the few precious keepsakes from Indonesia; she draped a beautiful piece of …show more content…

We were always together. One day, when I was two or three years old, mother tucked Ellen in bed for an afternoon snooze, I sat on a stool in front of her large vanity table and watched Ellen in the mirror while she giggled and cooed. She looked so precious and playful that I couldn’t resist feeding her from a jar on the table with a baby spoon, like I had seen my mother do a thousand times. My mother entered the bedroom to check on us, just as Ellen was about to take her first bite, she scolded me and said that my little sister would not like to eat her facial cream! I remember countless comical stories of my childhood, growing up with my sister, we were truly happy children. Some stories will be out of sequence, and some may not be completely accurate, but now as I am in my mid-sixties, it is how I remember them and those are the memories I hold

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