
How To Write An Essay About Hispanic Culture

Decent Essays

For many to be Hispanic may mean the color of their skin, or the languages that they speak. Being Hispanic is much more. Being Hispanic has a lot associated with it there are traditions, beliefs, and values that are shared among the community. It’s about remembering to take care of family, keep working hard, and having faith. Hispanics are proud of who they are and it does not matter where you end up, we can never forget where we come from. Hispanics have noticeably strong family values. Traditionally Hispanics are known to have a large branch of family. There is always support and appreciation for your family members. There was a moment my parents went their separate ways. My mother took custody of my brothers, and me. They loved each other very much, but there were circumstances that didn’t allow for their union to continue. My mother was still there to support my father. In this time that they were separating my mother persevered. With the help of my aunts and uncles she was able to thrive. They would help her in any way possible, if that may be emotionally, mentally, or financially.
Even though she appreciated the help, this doesn’t mean she didn’t work hard, She would do …show more content…

The faith doesn’t have to spiritual, it can also be the belief that tomorrow will be a better day. There was a time when I felt like many have before, stressed, overworked, and exhausted. The thought of quitting crossed through my mind, I didn’t let that stop me. I was to continue, I had to remind myself why I work so hard, for a better tomorrow. I had to handle my stress without missing my goals. Hispanics don’t quit. We are constantly reminded that there is a better tomorrow we just have to be prepared when it comes into arms reach. My family has always encouraged me and continue to support me in my decisions. When plans don’t go well my family can be counted on to keep pushing me forward. They also help me relax and

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