
How To Write An Essay About China's One Child Policy

Decent Essays

China’s one-child policy and why it was bad.
China’s one-child policy was a population planning policy of China and was introduced in 1979. The policy was originally designed to be a one-generation policy. This policy enforcement varied, in some places the restrictions were more relaxed while in densely populated areas the policy was strictly enforced. In 1980 official policy granted local officials the flexibility to make exceptions. Some exceptions included; ethnic minorities, the father being a disabled serviceman, both parents being single children, and if a family's first-born is a daughter they are allowed a second child. In 2015, China announced plans of allowing all families to have two children.
China’s one child policy was aimed at cutting the nation’s population to boost economic growth. A short-termed solution for a big problem, which instead resulted in millions of forced sterilizations, abortions, infanticide, and marital misery. Also resulting in having much more men than women and more old people than there are young people. The policy also challenged many people's morals, as many would-be mothers were forced to have abortions …show more content…

Factories have reported youth-labor shortages in recent years. “ In 2007 there were six adults of working age for every retiree, but by 2040 that ratio is expected to drop to 2 to 1.” In 2015 the number of working age people in China fell by 4.9 million. As the number retirees grows, fewer young workers enter China’s workforce. This lack of young workers is due to the one-child policy. Having a large elderly population would put pressure on government spending on health care which could lead to higher taxes. Many analysts fear that with too few children, China’s elderly will suffer

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