I woke up thinking one night “Why am i doing this?” I asked myself. The government sent me on a mission to find the missing oil rig lost in the Arctic Ocean. My son decided to come along with me. I decided to get some sleep because it will be a big day tomorrow. The next morning I loaded our suitcases in the back of the truck that we packed last night. “We’re about to go on a two hour road trip to the airport to get on the helicopter and find the oil rig” I said to my son. By the time we got there, loads of people were getting ready to watch us leave. The helicopter pilot yelled “are we ready?” over the helicopter’s blades. About an hour later all of our stuff was packed and ready to go. Me and my son were nervous, neither of us had ever been in a helicopter before and didn’t want to find out would happen if we crashed. The pilot went over instructions on how to safely be in a helicopter. I listened very carefully but couldn’t hear much over the helicopter’s roaring blades. I ended up falling asleep over the Atlantic Ocean.The next thing I knew was when the pilot yelled “Brace yourselves!”. I quickly looked up to see what was about to happen and my son said “we’re going to crash!’. I felt a sudden panic deep in my chest. The worst has come true. I looked out of the window and we were heading right for the ice caps! I tightened my seatbelt and held on tight. When we hit the water I got knocked out and the next thing I knew I was underwater. I struggled to unbuckle my
I thought at that very moment I was going to die. I survived the plane crash and so did most of the boys from my choir. I still wonder today how so many of us survived that fateful day. As leader of the choir I took charge of the boys as I always did and together we explored the island it appeared there was no other human life. I was actually excited at the
I awoke on a cool summer morning, at first I wasn't completely there but then, a chill of excitement ran down my spine as I realized my family was going camping today. I ran down stairs past the mountains of camping supplies and clothes to talk to my parents in the kitchen. They said we were leaving soon and that I should start packing all of the supplies into our trusty old Ford Expedition. After about 20 minutes of packing our SUV to the brim with all of the things we would need to survive in the wilderness for a few days, we said goodbye to our three cats and headed for Steelville Missouri.
My mind went blank. I forgot all the things I learned in the plane safety book mom gave me. All the flights attendants were trying to keep everyone calm. They were putting a mask on that everything was fine, but my eyes looked through it and saw them crying on the inside. The oxygen masks came flying down but I didn't notice. I was staring at all the people crying. Then the flight attendant came and put my mask on for
After all of that we we’re getting on the plane. We found our sets and sat in them and buckled up we were ready for our flight. Were on a plane I was really excited about the trip, when we took off it was going down the runway faster and faster then all of a the sudden the plane was going up off the ground then we were in the sky floating forward. Then the plane was going fast whenever I looked out the window everything on land and not in the air looked tiny it was an amazing site from up above. It felt like we were flying with the birds.
After waiting for what seemed like such a long time, an assignment finally came in and with a swift movement, we all got into the ambulance and went in service. I can recall all the thoughts going through my head and having no clue what could
My alarm went off at 4:45a.m. As soon as I heard it, I knew I had a long day ahead of me. My parents started screaming and telling everyone to get in the car. My mom, dad, two brothers (Nico and Adrian), grandfather, and I all put our luggages in the car and got seated. At 5:00 a.m. we were out the door and on the road for a 10 hour drive to Seaside, Florida.
My goal for that week was to take initiative and participate a lot by voicing my opinion, but I am a natural introvert, so in the middle of the week, I craved some alone time. During that alone time, I called home. As I reflected on my conversation with my mom, I realized that my life purpose was much like my parents’, I was going to better myself so I can guide my younger brothers to even more success than I will ever have.
I had never been on an airplane. My stomach felt like I had just eaten rotten fish and I was about to throw up. I was so excited to go, but at the same time I was scared because I had never been on a plane. We waited in the airport for at least an hour. Finally our flight was called, as I walked on the plane my heart was about to jump out of my skin. After the flight attendant had went through all the rules and we put our seat belts on the plane was going to take off. I thought the worst thing about the flight was taking off and landing. I didn?t like taking off and landing because my ears popped. Other than the fact that my ears popped taking off and landing the flight went smooth, we didn?t crash. When the plane landed, I couldn?t wait to stand on solid ground again.
It was an early morning in antioch california where I was vast asleep at my grandma’s house. Until my father suddenly woke me up and said “we have to go” and that's how it all started. So I got up and got dressed, ate little bit of cereal and hopped outside with my bags. “Oh my god” I said as loud as I could without waking anyone up around us. There it was A LIMO FOR ME I almost fainted until grandma said “this is just the beginning. We got in the limo and started our adventure. About a 2 hour nap later we arrived at the SFO airport around 8am. I got my bags and said goodbye to our amazing driver, then walked right through those electric airport doors with the biggest smile ever.
I remember lying there while lights were flashing all around me and the ambulance crew were shinning a light in my eye just to keep me conscious. Craig, Scott, and I where all sent to Hillsborough Community Hospital in separate ambulances. With sirens blaring and lights reflecting off cars as we passed at amazing speeds, I just stared at the ceiling
I got up and groaned as my legs felt like jelly after sitting down for so long. I got my bags and suitcase from the compartment and waited for my dad to get his things too. We finally got off the plane and I felt kind of dizzy as I took a breath. My dad flagged down a taxi New York style and I giggled as I saw how weird my dad and I looked amongest everyone else. Eventually a taxi came and my dad took our lougage and put in the trunk of the taxi and I hopped in.
Then we hit the ground. I did get knocked out from the impact, and when I finally woke up I seen medics around me and heard sirens, I was in an ambulance. I asked them, “Are the others ok?”
The moment I believed would mark one of the best summer day of my life. As I got on the ride I slowly buckled up and my hands immediately grabbed on tightly the metal harness. While waiting on the people to start the machine I was closing my eyes and imaging how it would feel. Suddenly my feet were off the ground and I found myself looking up. At first I did not dare look down, for I thought I would start panicking. I quickly looked down and saw lights then looked back up. While it arrived to the highest point I said “This is a precious moment in your life, just take the time to look at the beauty in front of you.” I started to look down and got to see the whole park. It was like seeing Christmas lights, it was bright with different colors. Instantaneously the ride dropped, I felt as if my heart was going to come out of my body. I screamed so hard that I could feel my veins in my head accumulating the blood from the pressure of the ride and from me screaming. It stopped half way and it took us up again. This time it did not go all the way, but it slowly went up and once again it quickly went down. At the end of the ride, as my feet touched the ground I was so thankful to God that I made it through without having a heart attack or panic
My family and I were so excited that we didn't even sleep the night before. We spent our Thursday night watching movies and talking about what are plans were for the trip. Once the clock hit 4 o'clock in the morning , we left our house and were on our way to the airport. The airport was quiet and peaceful. I could smell the freshly brewed coffee once I set foot in the airport. We checked in, then waited patiently for our flight to board. Suddenly we heard on the overhead speaker, “Flight to New York, New York is now boarding, Flight to New York, New York now boarding.” Once we boarded the plane, we settled in and got comfy. The flight was fairly smooth with little turbulence and the sweet sound of babies crying filled my ears. Once we heard the pilot's voice telling the crew to prepare for landing, my excitement grew big.
The light to put our seatbelts on glowed as the captain spoke to us and flight attendants acted out safety instructions. At take-off my stomach was filled with butterflies, but I wasn't scared. My body was pushed into the seat but I pretended I was the captain of a fighter jet. When we were stable I discovered that flying wasn't that bad. And the ocean looked beautiful out the windows! I put on my CD player until the played the in-flight movie, Planet of the Apes. I didn't like it so I kept listening to my CD player all the way through dinner. I fell asleep but the sound of the captains voice woke me. He was telling us there was an hour left of the flight. Flight attendants asked us to stow away our bags and prepare for landing. Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach again as I anticipated the landing. I felt the plane lose