
How To Write A Social Commentary On Littering

Satisfactory Essays

Social Commentary Have you ever walked outside to see a plastic bag stuck in a bush, or McDonalds wrappers run over in the street? That is just the tip of the ice bugger in regard to littering, the shore lines have become a dump, 6 millions pounds of trash was collected by 380,000 volunteers, on 33,000 miles of the shore lines worldwide. The estimated amount of money spent on littering clean up in $11 billion. Trash chemicals are being absorbed into the ground, effect aquifers. Wildlife is being affected by the littering left by humans. Littering needs to stop because it’s ruining the environment, costing millions and it is hazard. Billions of dollars are being put into cleaning up trash when that can be put into educations or medical resource, programs that can advance the human race, but instead it’s going to pick up trash because someone was to lazy to walk to a trashcan and throw it away. Taxes dollars are being used to fix lazy people’s mess. “In 2015, the North Carolina Department of Transportation spent more than $15 million to remove approximately 7.5 million pounds of roadside litter”, that is only one state, it probably isn’t even all the …show more content…

Animals shouldn’t have to suffer because of us, “Plastic materials of varying kinds had spread to all oceans and adjacent seas by the late 1970s or early 1980s and wide concern was being expressed over the amounts of cylindrical, virgin plastic pellets that are industrial feedstock, together with fragmented plastic particles of varying size and shape that were being ingested by pelagic seabirds”. More than a million seabird and water life is killed by plastic, every year. To make matters worse, 10% of plastic that is made in one year ends up in sea, which in turn is harm animals and/or mammals. Once trash enters the sea, it pills up and then water current wash it up on shore. Littering isn’t just a hazard for humans, but all living

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