Social Commentary Have you ever walked outside to see a plastic bag stuck in a bush, or McDonalds wrappers run over in the street? That is just the tip of the ice bugger in regard to littering, the shore lines have become a dump, 6 millions pounds of trash was collected by 380,000 volunteers, on 33,000 miles of the shore lines worldwide. The estimated amount of money spent on littering clean up in $11 billion. Trash chemicals are being absorbed into the ground, effect aquifers. Wildlife is being affected by the littering left by humans. Littering needs to stop because it’s ruining the environment, costing millions and it is hazard. Billions of dollars are being put into cleaning up trash when that can be put into educations or medical resource, programs that can advance the human race, but instead it’s going to pick up trash because someone was to lazy to walk to a trashcan and throw it away. Taxes dollars are being used to fix lazy people’s mess. “In 2015, the North Carolina Department of Transportation spent more than $15 million to remove approximately 7.5 million pounds of roadside litter”, that is only one state, it probably isn’t even all the …show more content…
Animals shouldn’t have to suffer because of us, “Plastic materials of varying kinds had spread to all oceans and adjacent seas by the late 1970s or early 1980s and wide concern was being expressed over the amounts of cylindrical, virgin plastic pellets that are industrial feedstock, together with fragmented plastic particles of varying size and shape that were being ingested by pelagic seabirds”. More than a million seabird and water life is killed by plastic, every year. To make matters worse, 10% of plastic that is made in one year ends up in sea, which in turn is harm animals and/or mammals. Once trash enters the sea, it pills up and then water current wash it up on shore. Littering isn’t just a hazard for humans, but all living
Many people today don’t even see littering as a crime. Everywhere you go whether its streets, towns, or beaches there always seems to be an abundant amount of trash in the area. The fact that we Americans keep continuing to litter is horrible, it’s as if we think littering is a joke. A particular situation with littering happened to me as a student while in high school. We had taken a campus field trip to the beach every student was allowed to bring food, drinks, and even their own ice chest. As it was time to leave our supervisors notice all of the trash we students left. We thought it was no harm and continued to walk to our bus, but our supervisors didn’t like that. So they decided to make all of the students to pick up the trash we left and then they gave us a lecture about littering. As you see the adolescents are starting to care less about minor laws, my experience shows that this reality is becoming
Littering can be a major fire hazard, all its takes is one discarded cigarette butt into a pile rubbish to ignite a towering inferno of sadness. If we litter too much garbage will pile up and will grow a harmful bacteria which would make us sick. It
Why we shouldn’t litter. We should not litter because a lot of animals in the ocean are getting hurt and they are dying. When you litter your garbage instead of throwing it away the wind will pick it up and then int will go in a lake a river or a ocean and then they get ti animals and they think is food and they try to eat it and they get hurt of there swimming and it get stuck where on them and they cant get it off.
Have you ever thought about what your community would look like without litter? If so, it may take a while to find out. One person throwing something on the ground may not think much of it, however, when that trash finds other trash, they begin to build up and make big piles of junk. For example, I am sure people never thought that if they littered, their trash would end up in the pacific garbage patch. Believe it or not, no one thinks that until you look at the pacific garbage patch and see how disgusting it looks just because people were to lazy to throw their trash away. To make matters worse, littering has become very common, which should be stopped because in most cases, trash is not disposed of properly,
Many of our water species animals like fish and otters are killed by trash like the six ring plastic hoops you get your soda and beer in. At this rate of trash that is being left behind after a boat party and just being stupid there will be a huge drop in the lives of the animals around us, and that’s just from one type of trash. Another type that is harming animals is aluminum cans. Many animals like golfers, dogs, cats, possums, and squirrels do not know any better and might take a bight out of the aluminum can, which will cut his or her neck and stomach which will kill the animal. If there is any heart in this community than we understand the severity of this mess and we need to clean it up
Have you ever thought about what the Eastern Shore would look like without so much waste? Throughout the Eastern Shore there is garbage everywhere, all because people don’t think twice about where they put their trash. Littering is a very serious problem it causes pollution, which is the reason for global warming. When you litter you’re polluting the air; polluted air is very dangerous for your body. Also when you litter you may receive a ticket that's not really worth it, when you could throw your trash in the garbage can. So, stop littering and help make the Eastern Shore beautiful again by picking up the trash around you.
In the documentary “Inside the Garbage of the World”, the main social problem being explained is that there has been a great influx of plastic and other type of garbage in oceans and their beaches. This buildup of pollution has largely affected the wildlife population ranging from animals on the beaches to the creatures of the ocean. In oceans, what is called ‘garbage patches’, a large buildup of garbage that flow to one area in the oceans, are being created. Approximately 50 percent of all plastic sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor but about 2 times that much is actually already on the ocean floor. In fact, according to the documentary, there is a garbage patch that is to the left of California that is the size of half of the United States. Each year, about 4.7 million tons of plastic goes in the ocean a year and it is estimated that by 2050, there will be another 33 billion tons of plastic added to the present amount. Eighty percent of the current pollution comes from the land. According to marine researchers, twice as much plastic debris is one the ocean floor than it was 10 years ago. In the futures, plastic will break down into smaller pieces of plastic, creating a bigger problem from the habitat. This plastic pollution is one of the leading cause for beach and ocean inhabiting creatures be extinct because animals are mistaking these plastic pieces for food. When scientist began to dissect beach animals such as birds, they discovered that at least fifteen pounds of
Plastic is a very useful material but when in the ocean, it endangers animal life. Small surface debris, mostly plastic resin pellets are a common piece of marine debris. Because they are so small they can easily get lost along the way, washing through the water with other plastics and into the sea. Pollution like this is causing harm to sea animals such as the seabird; the albatross. The albatross scoops its food from the ocean and without knowing picks up trash along the way. Plastic debris along with other garbage is then fed to its young mistakenly for food. “Of the 500,000 albatross chicks born here each year, about 200,000 die, mostly from dehydration or starvation. A two-year study funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency showed that chicks that died from those causes had twice as much plastic in their stomachs as those that died for other reasons.”
We need the government to realize that some of their plans are one of the reasons that our oceans have been polluted and reinforce more laws about littering. One of the main litter sources is plastic, plastic breaks down extremely slowly in water and it takes about decades to even centuries, the amount of it is constantly increasing. We easily get plastic in our ocean because of our storm drains that go into the ocean. Those storm drains were suppose to bring storm water there and only stormwater but since there is litter almost everywhere the rainwater brings it to the ocean also. Littering in the United States is a huge problem to our environmental state right now yet a majority of people do it because it’s not taken as seriously as it should
My second reason is the animals at risk. Each year (RSPCA) receives about 5000 calls each year that is about litter. Animals like raccoons, deers, birds, and many
It may seem harmless and innocent, but littering is an unhealthy habit people of all ages in each country do every day. Littering is a second nature to some people; after doing it for so long and often, they do not realize they do it. As more and more people continue to litter, environments, animals, and humans are being harmed by people’s carless actions. Americans, as well as all humans, need to be more aware of how hazardous and costly littering is to the world and the creatures living in it. Littering shows lack of respect for the world, and needs to be prevented in order for future generations to live in a clean and healthy environment.
Littering is one of the biggest environmental issues we face today. Littering affects us all, from humans to animals and our surroundings. The careless act of littering from a simple piece of plastic thrown on the ground can clog storm drains or that piece of plastic may go straight to the ocean and harm wildlife. Littering is a health hazard which causes harmful bacteria and germs. Removing litter from the environment costs everyone money. Littering is the most important environmental issue our nation is facing because it is done so easily and carelessly. People do not realize how much we spend on cleaning litter every year or how it affects us all. The practice has become second nature, we have avoided to educate ourselves on how this affects us in the long run. Littering needs to be minimized or if possible, completely stopped if we could help it because we are doing more harm to the earth.
Have you ever seen a sign on the road saying $500 fine if you litter? Most people ignore it because they don't care and think they won't get fined. But I bet litterbugs and even you didn’t know that the fine was raised to $1000 in eastern Ontario. They raised it up so people will think wisely next time they throw out their trash. In some states of the USA, you are able to get a fine of only $500 but you are also able to be sentenced to prison for about a year. In some cases, people must do both or in other states like Hawaii, they punish people into doing community service. Did you know according to CBC news that Canada is one of the few countries that produce the most garbage in the world and the cleanest country in the world is Switzerland. Littering can have a lot of consequences everywhere. Not just in Canada. Littering is a huge issue and that's why countries create laws trying to prevent people from litter more. A more affective way should be to add more security cameras in more conservation areas because that's
The quantity of marine debris is increasing in oceans worldwide. Researchers at the Algalita Marine Research Foundation documented an increase in plastic debris in the Central Pacific Gyre five-fold between 1997 and 2007, where the baseline in 1997 showed plastic pieces outnumbered plankton on the ocean surface.(“Clean Water Action”). Each year the pollution increases, making marine life decrease. The pollution also makes their living conditions worse, to the point where they have to leave their homes and live somewhere cleaner. “Tens of thousands of individual animals from hundreds of marine species, including every kind of sea turtle and around half of marine mammals, have encountered plastic, glass, and other garbage in the ocean, according to a
American citizens throw away millions of tons of garbage each year, and this trash has to go somewhere. While there are projects underway to clean and reuse this refuse most of it gets dumped into huge landfills. These landfills are disgusting festering blisters on our country's landscape. But people continue to consume and throw away more and more in the name of convenience. As they see it, when things get old, throw it away and get a new one. They blame the government for the trash problem, but the truth blame should be placed on themselves.