
How To Write A Short Story: Mack's Big Mistake

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A shrill sound rang out, signalling the time to go home. There were voices in every direction as the students rushed, climbing over each other, to get the bus first . Shoulders hunched and head down, Mack slouched across the hallway feet dragging as if he was struggling his way through a thick slime. His hair fell in random tangles over his face; it was thick and oily. People stared at him like an animal in a museum, but he glowered at the floor as he ambled along refusing to acknowledge their presence. Sometimes, people would say they saw him convulsing uncontrollably and whispering to himself. As the hallways became crowded, Mack drew into himself, his breathing becoming more erratic, and his blue eyes glazing. It was all too much. The students, …show more content…

His right hand struck out at the teacher, curling around his neck, fingers squeezing into his temple. His other hand reached for Mr. Wighten’s eye, thumb digging inwards. “M-mr-,” Mr Wighten croaked, “W-wh-ugh!?” His lips parted in a silent scream. Mack felt a slither of hesitation, but as he felt the Creature’s eyes gaze deep within him, he became overwhelmed with liberation. “Yes, yes, yes, yesssss! Kill!” The Creature had curled around Mack and was now hissing into his ear. Mack gurgled, a harsh grating sound that mirrored the Creature’s own. His piercing blue eyes glinting in the increasing darkness as the sun sets. The teacher became limp in Mack’s arms, the lids of his eyes drooping and his blood spurting on Mack, the floor, and the lockers. Mack shoved him away and stood. He felt invigorated. “A king you would seem I said, said did I not?” The Creature cackled, the other Voices laughing all around him. The Voices dissipated just like that, their Voices left echoing in the hallway. Mack was now alone, the darkness shadowing his face and twisting it into something gruesome and cruel. He stood up and sauntered to the staff doors, pushing hair off his face with a dangerous smirk stretching his

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