
How To Write A Narrative Essay For High School

Decent Essays

A circle of men in yarmulkes and prayer shawls danced in circles around me, singing as loud as they could so that God could hear them. Torahs crawled around the sanctuary along with my neighbors and family, who greeted each other with humming songs and laughter. These beautiful tunes and prayers took turns drowning each other out in my ears. My synagogue’s atmosphere of joy and community lingered in my mind as the congregation began to settle from its celebration, and as my rabbi delivered his weekly sermon covering the Jewish idea of Tikkun Olam (Hebrew for rectification). He taught once again that Tikkun Olam charged us, as Jews, always to do our best in giving back to the world and repairing it to a state of perfection. As a child, my rabbi’s speech about caring for Earth didn’t interest me. Shortly after my first experiences with my Jewish community, …show more content…

This way I could directly volunteer in my community and bring a cheerful attitude to the world around me. I pleaded with my dad to bring me back to weekly scout meetings at the synagogue. Along with my Hebrew studies, I began to sport a khaki uniform on sundays. Every moment became an opportunity to repair Earth after joining scouts. I noticed I began picking up trash without thought after wanting to repair the environment. Similarly, I began to help my friends in school more often to help them grow as intellectuals. Those feelings of integrity eventually pushed me towards achieving Eagle Scout, and in the process give back to the local schools by leading beautification projects. Upon achieving Eagle, I had validated my desires to rectify the world. While my Jewish faith inspired me to help my community, my time as a scout gave me outlets to actively express my dedication for repairing Earth. Through my Eagle, I connected more completely with the rest of the world, which helped me to realize that I wanted to give back to a community I loved so

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