
Narrative Essay On Middle School

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Essay B Middle School is a time in adolescent’s lives where their physical, and equally important social development, is at a delicate and crucial point. For those who inherit socially favorable genes, certain aspects of life become easy, and those individuals can go through life rather nonchalantly. However, the life of a pre-teenager and a young teenager is difficult when you’re only as tall as other kid’s sternums and weigh less than the book stuffed backpack you lug around all day. I always pictured self esteem as the amount of actual steam in a tea pot. The more steam one had the better they would feel. Sadly, my teapot was often running low. I wanted to be confident and not care what others thought about me, but it felt like the …show more content…

I couldn’t continue to be defined by my size and made to feel lesser because of it. I was tired of the hurtful teasing and stinging comments. I wanted to change. However, simply changing the way you feel about something is much easier said than done. The first thing I did was learn to accept myself for who I was by embracing my size and my dorkiness. After that, I began to learn how to turn insults around into jokes that would make people laugh. I would poke fun at myself and if someone said something rude, I would laugh and just go on with my day. I came to realize if someone thinks that their insult hurts you they will keep going and going, but if it doesn’t seem to affect you, they will just leave it alone. By the summer after 9th grade I had saved up enough money for a gym membership. I started going and I went every single day that summer. In addition, that summer nature kicked in and I shot up practically doubling my height. When marching band season rolled around in August, I showed up completely changed. I’d left school a scrawny little kid and went back a stout 6 foot young adult with some muscle for the first time in my life. I remember several people mentioning it, but I pretended not to know what they were talking about. Internally, I was beaming with unadulterated

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