
How To Write A Letter To The Navy

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It was the first open Captain’s mast I had ever been to, and why shouldn’t I have been allowed to go? It was me that had been wronged. Captain’s mast is the military’s way of punishing people without court-martialing them. The crew was in the room before the Captain or this individual who did not deserve to wear the uniform of a second class petty officer. This was the submarine service where integrity and being able to trust your shipmates is everything. As we sat there waiting, everyone was discussing the punishment he might get. When the Captain entered the room everyone became silent. The green tablecloth was brought out and laid over the table in front of the Captain. That green tablecloth that everyone knew was used only for the single purpose of …show more content…

It was like seeing a man walking to his own execution. This was an offense that warranted jail time. Before the Captain would get his side of the story, he spoke to the man’s leading petty officer and chief to get their accounts on the man’s character. They told their story of how he was a good worker with a great attitude. It was now his turn to speak. When the Captain asked the man why he did what he had done, the man said that he did not have a good answer. He then turned to me and apologized. Unfortunately, it did not allow me to forgive him. I could see in his eyes that he was still angry, and that his apology was not heartfelt. It was all a show for the Captain and the rest of the crew. He said that he did not even have an answer for why, so I just knew that the Captain was not going to buy the apology either. I just knew this man was going to get the book thrown at him. Then, the Captain said the punishment he was giving was only going to be a suspended bust and 30 days restriction to the ship. I thought this was rather unfair. It was like a man committing cold, calculated murder and being found guilty, but only receiving five

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