Stephanie is personable and friendly. She actively participates in staff meetings, group discussions, and extracurricular programs with Met Council (Fit For Life). Stephanie demonstrates a high level of personal integrity in her professional relationships at the metcouncil. She does not become engaged in office gossip or negative expressions of professional discord which can be damaging to team
Anna Garcia is a 38-year-old Hispanic female, weighing 165 lbs.; standing 5'4 (64 inches) tall. She was last seen in a grey sweater, walking her dog at 6:30a.m the morning before, by her neighbor, Doug Greene. The same neighbor called police at 9:45a.m claiming that Anna's dog had been barking for approximately two hours and that Anna wasn’t answer the door or calls. She was found DOA lying in her hallway at her house. The body was found at 9: 56 am when police officers broke down her door.
Jim chose Bill and Terry for his team; Sandra chose Gina and Mary; Luke chose Audrey and Reggie.
Can you confirm Mr. Lin is an Active attorney and was admitted? His Supreme Court order shows he is on probation with your department. He has some concerns below I wanted to see if you can help me address. Our system shows he’s Active. Do you think the Supreme Court needs to fix his status in their system?
Cindy has worked the majority of her professional career in the customer service industry. She is passionate about helping others and being part of a team. Her references said that she is a strong person, dependable, has great work ethic, and willing to do anything she is asked. Cindy wants to continue to grow professionally with a company where she is part of the team and she can call home. Gaps in employment have been due to illness and the passing of immediate family members.
Victoria Paul is living with me, her grandmother, at 1624 Audubon Drive, Alexandria, LA. Most of the time since high school graduation, her health has not permitted her to work while attending college or CLTCC.
According to the report, in the assessment it states that Cavaness was stripped searched by an officer Johnson and two unidentified officers.
At the age of 15, Andrew Medina became involved in a botched carjacking, consequently getting Kristopher Lohrmeyer killed. I would sentence him as a youth due to his age, and charge him of manslaughter. Initially, I would sentence him to four years of intensive rehabilitation custody where he could rehabilitate from drug abuse and improve his learning skills. Secondly, he would serve four years in custody where he could learn how to generate wise decisions and analyze situations in his daily life. Then, he would serve two years on probation where they could help him to obtain a job, driver's license and a place to live, therefore, Andrew should be able to make better decisions in his life and overcome his learning
Another factor that contributed to the creation of my own meaning about Ana’s story and that affected my approach was my position as the designated worker to decide whether or not Ana was a “suitable” candidate for my agency. The process of becoming a foster parent can be very intrusive as the agency makes multiple visitations to the perspective home to ensure that the individual meets all the requirements and regulations of the agency. In this case, the dynamic of power that a worker, like me, can bring to service user’s life can negatively impact the engagement process between the worker and the service user. As stated earlier, Ana was very hesitant about sharing her life story. I attributed Ana’s hesitancy to the amount of “power” I had
Rachel was observed at 2030 on 2/22/17 to have soiled herself. Rachel was given a bed bath and changed by Melanie Laub, RN, Johanna E., RN, and Shatalya Sharp, BHT. They also assisted her with ambulation. Later in the evening, the night nurse, Linda Pickens found medications and some food in the back of Rachel's mouth. This morning Lacy Garth, RN, Nicole Dabbs, BHT, and Sheila Braxton, program coordinator, assisted Rachel to the restroom. She was entirely unable to ambulate and was primarily supported through staff support. She was assisted in drinking water and ensure. Sherri Martin, NP was informed of her medical concerns and total care requirements and determined she needed medical evaluation. PMT was called and arrived at 1200. Report was
One’s character subconsciously influences her actions so her behaviours towards others reflects one’s character. In” Valentine’s Day” by Stuart McLean, the protagonist Stephanie enjoys and suffers from romances at her school, and her reactions to other characters reveal her self-conscious, simple, and easygoing character.
Your post is very interesting, easy to follow through and well organized. Sara is able to notice some development difficulties in Jimmy, since her daughter, Emma is actively interacting with her surroundings. Another factor could be that the absence of the mother could had impacted Jimmy during this early stage of his life. His father has not created the special bond with the child, which it is innate between the mother and the child since they are born. Therefore, it would appropriate that Sara carefully suggest to Ben to take Jimmy to his pediatrician for an evaluation to determine if the absence of his mother is causing him a developmental delay or the lack of connection between him and his son.
Thank you for sending Rosemary back to see me some nine months since her last appointment.
Endocarditis is inflammation close to the inner lining of the left ventricle, which is the endocardium caused by a bacterial infection. Once the bacteria go into the bloodstream then towards the left ventricle of the heart an inflammatory response begins to occur because the immune system cells are not familiar with the foreign bacteria. When the bacteria have been detected, cells such as basophils and mast cells release histamines, a key compound in the inflammatory response. Which causes smooth muscle cells in blood vessels to relax and coronary arterioles to vasodilate.
at the orphanage, I was able to help build a sidewalk and a garage for
I believe starting a therapeutic relationship and alliance is a very important step for this Natasha. I would focus on her concerns and issues with delusions, hallucinations, and other bizarre behaviors. I recommended using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The research suggests that CBT interventions with schizophrenic patients mostly focus on symptomatic recovery (e.g. on mental functions, as a primary treatment target) (Nowak, Sabariego, Świtaj, & Anczewska, 2016). When using this approach and techniques I can then work through understanding Natasha’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. When the client works with me as a CBT orientated-counselor she will feel support in understanding her behaviors and I would also recommended support groups to help her with understanding herself and others like her. Within CBT research studies have shown to produce large clinical effects on measures of positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia overall.