
How To Work In Mexico

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Mexico is one of the most beautiful and diverse countries in the world. However, Mexico also has a very distinct culture, recognizable to anyone, anywhere in the world. Their music, art, food, and language all stand out to all. The music of the mariachi band; the vibrant paintings; the sweet sopapillas; and the pronounced rolling of their “R’s” are just a few well-known things ingrained in their culture. Also important, are the business opportunities available in Mexico. As an obstetrician, the chances of finding work in Mexico are very high, as every country in the world needs doctors to deliver babies. Mexicans speak Spanish, which is very convenient because I took Spanish courses in high school so I would not need to learn the language. …show more content…

When working in Mexico, I would choose to work for a local hospital, due to the limited liability that comes with working under a company. For meeting with my clients, I would conform to the Mexican society’s expectations of proper business attire: a blouse and a conservative, knee-length skirt. However, when working, I would wear my work uniform. When I meet my clients, I will shake hands with them when I introduce myself. Excessive eye contact is seen as disrespectful so I will try to keep eye contact to a minimum (“Guide To Mexico”). When addressing my client, I will refer to them as Senor/a and then their first surname. Mexicans have two surnames; the first from their father and the second from their mother (“Guide to Mexico”). Most of my appointments would be around early to late afternoon, to form a closer relationship with my clients, as Mexicans place personal thoughts into most professional and business decisions (“Guide to Mexico”). While in the hospital, I will have to be fluent in Spanish. There will be emergency situations with the labor of a mother and the delivery of a baby, so there can be no room for miscommunication between me and my coworkers. Obstetricians can find business anywhere in the world and Mexico is an amazing

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