
How To Reduce Gun Violence In America

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Today we as a country are faced with a growing problem of gun violence; while this is mostly in urban areas it still affects many people. In some of the worse cases these streets are places where teenage thugs shoot it out for some turf to sell their drugs, and finally where small children are daily caught in the way of bullets during drive by shootings. We as a society try to ignore these problems but we shouldn’t. Nothing will get better unless we take the measurements to enact our own change, but some people want to stop the legal ownership of guns and that doesn’t really affect the problem at all. Making it where no one can have guns will just be taking the guns from the innocent people who use them as self-defense. Lets look and see what influence guns have had on our country in the past. Thanks to the Second Amendment having a gun is legal and is guaranteed as a right in the …show more content…

As a result the crime rate has dropped far below the national average.In states like Washington and New york with somewhat stricter gun laws have higher crime rates. In the country we live in today it isn’t too hard to find somewhere that sells illegal weapons.Criminals often carry highly illegal firearms and have a total disregard for the gun laws that have been implemented so far. If you were a criminal would you rather rob someone without a gun or someone that could shoot back? Activists against having guns always blame the weapon and never the person firing it; even as children we are taught that guns are bad when it is infact the person firing the gun. I hope that I’ve gotten my point across that restricting guns does nothing but makes more victims. While restricting guns could end a lot of problems, in theory, we just don't have a means of make sure every single person obeys the law and until that day i don’t see these changes happening.All out current gun control laws have done is created more

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