
How To Read Literature Like A Professor By Thomas Foster Summary

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Thomas C. Foster’s How to Read Literature Like A Professor is a thorough guide that analyzes both the deeper meanings and the underlying elements in literature. In one of the chapters, titled “It’s More Than Just Rain or Snow,” Foster elucidates that if an author incorporates a weather condition into his writing, it is not just a meaningless, superficial detail. Weather can act as a template for the plot or be symbolic to the mood of the story. Foster uses weather as a way to symbolize literary details in general, indicating that they can contribute a copious amount of quality to the descriptiveness and significance of the content. He uses rain to illustrate this, reasoning that if a character needed to be cleansed and the author inserts a rainstorm for cleansing, the rain has much more substance than just another April shower (Foster, 71). Rain is clean, so this type of water pouring down on the character is essentially cleaning them. This detail of rain can be used to create another type of environment for the story, such as a way to unite people (Noah’s Ark) or serve as a form of …show more content…

Boy is appalled when she learns that her husband is of African-American descent since he and his family were light-skinned African-Americans passing for white. She discovers this when her child, Bird, has dark skin. To Boy, Bird’s skin color is a physical imperfection. Boy engages in segregation fairly often, switching between “us” and “them” to describe people by their skin color. This character differentiation doesn’t affect only Bird, but Arturo’s family, as well as her stepdaughter, Snow. In attempts to accept Bird for who she is and completely assume a motherly role in her life, she sends Snow away because she cannot accept that her child has a different skin color. The physical descriptions of characters in this novel reflect the characters in all of the ways that Foster outlined: spiritually, morally, intellectually and

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