How would you feel when chemicals and tiny creatures a man can’t see then dying hours later? Biological and Chemical warfare is a major problem in warfare especially during the World Wars. It is wrong to have those types of things happen to an innocent man fighting for their country. These things hopefully won’t have to happen anymore in warfare. The main reasons this subject is important are is it is cheap killing and sometimes/mostly unfair for soldiers trying to quickly put on gas masks.
To be honest there is no point in using it due to advance technology syncing them before it comes. The new technology can also get rid of the gas and tiny deadly creatures. Guns can kill perfectly fine and mainly only hurting the man attacking them not thousands
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The wars,battles and fights they will last not as long with the biological and chemical warfare. It would be quicker to end the argument but at what cost.A single life is priceless no matter who you are from the color of your skin to the color of your eyes life is priceless. Is it cheaper to buy these tiny dangerous creatures and toxic chemicals or guns? If it isn’t cheaper then stop buying them and buy more guns even explosives are better than chemicals. Some small changes like that can help us get rid of biological and chemical warfare. Biological and chemical warfare is unreasonable and extremely dangerous in war. Warfare shouldn’t be fearing for your life and hoping to survive the day it should be shoot the enemy throw some explosives and fight for your country. If warfare didn’t have biological and chemicals in it, it’ll be a lot
The soldiers have constantly experienced their friends being killed right in front of them with the most gruesome death. The soldiers being shot by a machine gun.
These soldiers understand that the point of the war is not to kill other enemy soldiers; it is to win in the most human way possible. This same reason is why machine gunners and flamethrowers had a higher chance of execution if they were caught then common foot soldiers. The point of war, in the eyes of most soldiers, was not to be a murderer, but was to simply win and go home to your family, hopefully without leaving your former self on the battlefield. On June 17th, 1925, 65 countries would sign the Geneva Protocol, which prohibits the use of biological weapons on the battlefield, a clear step in stating that wars, though they are bloody and devastating, must hold on to at least some degree of
The warfare of WWI affected society by causing crucial pain to many soldiers.Many soldiers came home limping and blind.When soldiers came home wives and children were distraught to see them in this condition. Everyone did not have hope in the United States winning this war anymore. One reason the soldiers came home blind was because of poisonous gas. The gas would slowly asphyxiate the soldiers, and the wind will blow the gas towards the villages where the civilians lived. So since the gas would spread to the villages the civilians would suffer for no reason. But, this is sort of the soldiers fault because they used this gas but it is not really their fault for the wind blowing the gas.
Disease was the number one cause of death during the war. Lack of proper medical knowledge also lead to many deaths. Finally, surgery was so risky and dangerous it too lead to much loss of life.
But what happens if you have a gruesome, nasty, horrific, war related fatality in a soldier and you decide to put that soldier in a time period where us people barely knew or had little information on medicine or in the medical field. How would that soldier’s scary and bloody injury be treated. What would be the process of treating the soldier’s injury. Well today
World War 1 was know as “the chemists war” so they are many chemicals going in the air that it cause deaths. The usage of poison gas was war crime and it prohibited the usage of poison or poisoned weapons. The most effective gas was mustard gas. Mustard gas was used to trouble and disable the enemy and contaminate the front. The gas also caused internal and external bleeding, leaving. Poison gas blinded eyes, i can see the victims fighting for breath saying their throats are closing and they know they're going to die of choking.
“We were told, ‘it’s totally safe and it won’t hurt you at all,” he added. “We were told you can drink it, you can brush your teeth with it, or you can bathe in it. It won’t hurt you. Those were lies.” (“U.S. Soldiers Sprayed Agent Orange across Korea” 1) Agent Orange was an herbicide used by the United States military forces in Vietnam between 1962 and 1971 to destroy their enemies’ food supply, land, and protection. Twelve million gallons of this toxin were sprayed. (Department of Preventive Medicine 1) It affected the Vietnamese and the American troops who were fighting in the same jungle. Little did the United States military know the effects of this dangerous herbicide. It caused many long-term complications, including health problems
The first World War has been reported to be one of the most brutal wars in the history of time for many reasons. One of those reasons was strategic usage of chemical warfare. Chemical gas was used on both sides of the line, which turned out to be fatal for many. World War I was mostly fought in the trenches, where soldiers lived in deep, v-shaped holes or underground bunkers. Both sides would occupy these trenches in order to escape from the constant stream of bullets. These battles often ended in a standoff, or tie, which helped the introduction of a different, brand new style of fighting that included the use of chemicals. These chemicals had a range of
The gases used in World War I included mustard gas and chlorine gas. Chlorine showed its effects on the soldiers much quicker than mustard gas did. With mustard gas, after a while, one could see blisters forming on their body, and not soon after in their throat making it difficult to breathe (Briggs). Suffocation is one of the worse ways to die because one would suffer for longer. Poison gases’ inhumanity caused an antagonistic effect on the war because the only thing lethal gas has proven is that the only thing important in war is murder and not resolving issues.
Many of the scars of the Vietnam War have healed, but one toxic wound continues to fester. An herbicide used by the United States promised to save the lives of many GIs by decreasing the strategic cover of the Viet Kong, who were North Vietnamese Communist. Agent Orange proved to have side effects that were not intended. Not only did it destroy the environment, but the lives of those it surrounded. While people can make moral judgments before their actions, a chemical does not discriminate between foe or ally.
The United States does not want to admit that their used of chemical “as weapons of war on civilian populations violates the laws of war” (). The effort that has been done to compensate those that were exposed is that surviving Vietnam veterans in the United States that were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides during their service, may be eligible for VA benefits, such as disability compensation for diseases associated to the exposure, while also their dependents may also be eligible for the benefits. However, the other 3 million surviving Vietnamese victims have not received any compensation or any humanitarian aid from the U.S Government. Also leaving children with birth defects related to Agent Orange effects, without any medical or
Thinking back to the days of one’s youth, one might recall taking a family trip to the local amusement park during the warmer months of summer. Standing, walking, or even running, one can spend hours underneath the beating heat of the sun. Moving from ride to ride, families pass by tents spraying mists of cooling, refreshing water to help soothe the pain from standing out in the sun. Children run back and forth through the mist, laughing with excitement. There is hardly a care in the world when the family is having so much fun. Now replace the amusement park with the jungles of Vietnam, and the tent, now a two engine C-123 cargo plane, sprays deadly chemicals instead of harmless water on the young American soldiers stationed there. This was the situation many Vietnam veterans were placed in during the conflict in Vietnam, and they were clueless and unprepared for the aftereffects of the chemicals sprayed across the battlefields. The chemical that was being sprayed across Vietnam was a potent herbicide that came to be known as Agent Orange, named after the color band that wrapped around the canisters it was transported in. This herbicide, while extremely efficient at its job of destroying forests and crops, it also did a great job at harming humans. Since the end of the war in Vietnam, many negative health effects of Agent Orange such as cancer and birth defects have come to light. Even though these health effects were caused by the spraying in Vietnam, many
Warfare has over the years been inherently destructive in regard to sustainable development. Those who have self-interest bridge the majority of the set laws. States decline to respect international law providing protection for the environment in the times of conflict, as well as cooperating in further development. Some decide to side on the side that they feel that benefits them most or oppresses their enemy. The application of weapons, the destruction of structures, fires, military transport movements and chemical spraying are a few of the examples of the destroying impact war may have on the environment. This paper shall examine the action and environment of war, and the impact of combat and death on the soldier, and provide important insight as to why soldiers fight and the long term effect of war on veterans.
By the end of the war, diseases would take the lives of more soldiers than would hostile fire (Brooks 1966),”
First, I discovered that the United States considered using biological agents to kill Fidel Castro and Frederik Lumumba (Frischknecht). Also, although doctors in the medieval times did not know what germs were they did think “the stench of rotting bodies was known to transmit infections”, which is why they thought to use them as weapons (“History of Biowarfare”). I also become aware of the fact that the FDA is a very important part in the process of conducting biowarfare research, as they approve and reject experiments (“Biological Weapons, Bioterrorism, and Vaccines”). Lastly, I learned that the United States is most concerned about possible chemical and biological attacks from countries like North Korea, who have an unstable relationship with the United States