Why I should be allowed to get Fiddler Crabs I used to be able to wake up to the sound of my fiddler crabs scuttling. I would wake up, check on them, and go get ready for school. Unfortunately, they died when we left them with the neighbors. Now, my parents won't let me get any more replacements. Arguably, they should let me keep two female fiddler crabs. This has been concluded, because I take care of them myself, they are also cheap to purchase, and they are easy to keep while on vacation. I really love fiddler crabs. I definitely would have a disappointment if they died. Accordingly, every other day I fed them. Every three days, I changed their salt water ¨pool,¨ or their water tray. Moreover, when they got sand on the floor, I was
The purpose of this lab was to answer the question, “Of the saline solutions of 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% sodium chloride (NaCl), which solution will yield the highest hatching viability for the brine shrimp?” The hypothesis was that the saline solution most precise to the concentration of NaCl in seawater, which is approximately 3.5%, will yield the highest hatching viability. Therefore, the 2% NaCl solution will yield the highest hatching viability.
It is okay if the periwinkles and dogwhelks move, just make sure they do not obstruct the test. The Actual Experiment: To begin the experiment, one must pick out one hermit crab at random from the holding bucket. One person records the data about the species of each hermit crab, the species of the shell it is dwelling in, and anything else of interest about the hermit crab itself regarding its appearance. The recorder then must prepare the stopwatch, as the collector places a hermit crab into the bucket
The daphnia relies on an osmotic gradient, as they are able to take in ions with their chloride absorbing glands, which help the organism to secrete and absorb ions by supporting the inadequate effectiveness of excretory organs to complete homeostasis under dehydration and extreme conditions. Therefore under the influence of increasing salinity, daphnia will face dehydration from high levels of concentration and will lead to the death of the species (Komnick, 1986).
Crayfish can tolerate different conditions related to temperature, salinity and stress. To survive during loss of water, they migrate to another area where water is available, or they burrow. During this process, their heart rate and metabolism is constantly
The barnacles were tested using a small cup filled with water which has a small rock with barnacles on it. Before the experiment was conducted, the barnacles were fed food. The change in cirri beats over one minute was determined. The average decrease of cirri beats per minute was 12.6. Although the manipulated trial was inconsistent, it is still logical to conclude that the
Daphnia are used to test water toxicity, they are a vital part of fresh water ecosystems. They are a food source for smaller fish and invertebrates and considered to be a consumer of algae and bacteria (Elbert, 2005). These small crustaceans range in size from 2-5mm long and are commonly referred to as water fleas. Daphnia belong to the group called Daphniidae, which is a relative of freshwater shrimp. It is easy to see the internal organs of daphnia because of a transparent taco shell like carapace. A carapace is the hard outer part of a shell or covering. A daphnia’s life span can range between 1-56 days. (Elenbaas, 2013; Clare 2002). The comfortable pH level for daphnia is between 7.2 and 8.5 (Clare, 2002).
It shares ancestral background with shrimp and lobsters. They are omnivores with their prey being mussels, fish, plants, and smaller blue crabs (Society). Although the Blue Crab is well established within its ecosystem it is highly sensitive to environmental and habitat changes ("Blue Crab, Maryland State Crustacean", 2016). The detrimental conditions of the Chesapeake Bay have affected the populations of Blue Crabs along with over harvesting.
For the entirety of the project the water had an awful scent. The water was a brownish or yellow color till the last time my group check on the ecosystem. The latest checkup, the water was clear. It turns out that the reason why the color was that color because the plant progressively throughout the project died. The coloring is from organisms breaking down the bacteria. The water turned clear because the bacteria was finally all cleared up. I was interested in how the beta fish that was in the same section of the ecosystem as the snail, played dead most of the time. From doing some research on this observation, it shows that this type of behavior is common. This happens because the beta fish might have a bladder disorder or the person
Once done exploring the island’s trails, we take a break for lunch on board the boat. The afternoon is reserved for snorkeling, swimming and relaxing on the beach. Friendly sea lions line the shores and swim besides you when snorkeling. Other under water creatures that are common to the area are sharks, rays, and colorful schools of fish; darting in every direction after being startled by new faces and the movement of the
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the effect of population density on Artemia Salina. Artemia Salina are brine shrimp that live in waters with high salinity levels, similar to the novelty pet “Sea Monkeys”. If the number of artemia in an enclosure is higher, then the lifespan of the Artemia Salina will be shorter. Three beakers were filled with varying levels of population density and monitored over 6 days. The trend in the data showed that higher population density contributes positively to the lifespan of Artemia Salina.
“Horseshoe crabs are some of the most successful life forms on earth.” They have been around for over 445 million years. Longer than even the pesky cockroaches. They have a blood that turns to jelly, creating a barrier between them and pathogens, keeping them safe from any diseases. But for the physical harm, they have adapted a hard shell or carapace to protect them from attacks. Horseshoe crabs also have gills as thin as the pages of a book, allowing them to breathe out of water for as long as they are wet. This is especially good for spawning. Speaking of which, they can also produce 90,000 fertile eggs a year, increasing the population. They seem unstoppable.
After 3 days in the diluted seawater the crab’s haemolymph Sodium levels were significantly lower (p<0.001) than the crabs stored in full strength seawater as seen in figure 3. There was no significant difference between the mean haemolymph Sodium values of the three dilutions at 75%, 50% and 25%.
The group of crabs known as fiddler crabs actually encompasses over 90 species and subspecies of the genus Uca that come from a variety of locations. Males and females are quite easily distinguished by their claws - the females have small claws, but the males have one very large claw (see photos of males and females). The largest fiddler crabs only reach a mature size of about 2 inches across their
The last animal to examine is the goldfish. I would look at the quality of water in the fishbowl. This is going to be the first and most obvious indicator of the well being of the fish. I would ask the owners how often they change the water out and how they manage the water. A fish lives in water 24/7, and that water needs to be at a certain pH level along with other requirements like the amount on oxygen in the water. While looking at the water I would also look at the
At the beginning of the story, we learn that crabs have been crawling into the house of Pelayo and Elisenda that “on the third day of rain,” they had killed so many of them. After throwing them