
How To Do My Five Things In The Classroom

Satisfactory Essays

As I was making this video I felt a tad bit nervous and a little unprepared because this was my first time ever having to record myself talking I did not know what text back I thought it would have been as easy as public speaking but I found this one to be a little bit more challenging then standing in front of an audience or even a class filled with students. There were several times I had to stop while making this video because of minor errors, I began to become frustrated because I thought that I would never be able to complete a full video. Writing it was easy but having to interpret it on camera was really challenging for me.
The messages that is being conveyed in my video was gathered by a few internet sources such as, , and As I gathered information from each creditable source it is said that special education teachers usually have special skills in behavior and classroom management. It is important not to overwhelm any teacher, especially a new teacher who might already be feeling a bit inadequate about their classroom management abilities. …show more content…

What will make learning more fun? What will make them interest more with the teachers and students, and most importantly familiarizing themselves with the classroom. Research has shown that the quality of teacher-student relationships is the keystone for all other aspects of classroom management. Also the way in which I chose the five things "not to do" was my observation as a substitute teacher, being able to go from classroom to classroom and observing different teachers and their

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