
How To Be A Pipe Welder

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Pipe Welding is fun if you like math but can also be a dangerous job.Pipe welding repairs all types of pipes.Pipe welders travel A Lot because they're in demand in all types of place.You can make so much money as a pipe welder.Pipe welding travels alot to many places across the world.Pipe welding you can world on the oil rig and make as much as a doctor. But you won't be able to spend time with your family. The benefits working as a pipe welder is good pay you can make as much as a doctor. But as a pipe welder you have responsibility to make sure your safe like check your pressure in the torch is safe to used because if too much the torch would blow up in your hands.Pipe welding is also in demand the increased in 2016 was 14% that's why pipe …show more content…

By 2020 the percent will go up to 30%. Trades are starting to go up because of donald trump he said he will make trade goes up A pipe welder is someone who repair pipes and inspects pipes to make sure they're safe to used because if a certain pipe would bust the city would be in trouble that's why they're in demand to make sure the people is safe in their community.Pipe welders work on the lines one pipe could take 3 hrs depends how bad it is an the work that needs to be prep.A pipe welder can go blind after 30 years of welding because of burning the back of your eyeballs that's why there are a lot of young people welding. What i learn about being a pipe welder that you can make a lot of money and it's in demand. Pipe welding can be risky because you could lose a hand or go blind. But someone gotta do the job.That's why there is not that many people welding and there are robots that can weld now but the robots don't do a good job.Welding you can go anywhere in life.Pipe welding you can be successful too.Most people are starting to pipe welding in high school to learn a

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