As a Christian, I believe that God is the ultimate reality. people have different worldview which they practice. My Christian worldview I practice out is to love one another as God love us. I believe that nature of the universe is separate from God, he created me as his image. He created me to rule over fish of the sea, the bird of the air, livestock, and all other creatures I believe in heaven and hell and I know that to inherit he kingdom of God I must live the life of a Christian on earth before thinking about heaven therefore, I should follow God’s character so that I can again eternal life in heaven. I know that there is a lot of evil in the world, but I will try to show people true love and
How did the earth and everything on it come into existence? This is a question, that for the Christian worldview is answered by the Bible, in Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis. The Bible makes clear to it’s readers that God existed before anything else. The creation account in Genesis 1 splits creation into 6 days and a 7th day of rest. The first day God created the earth and Heaven as well as day and night. The second day God separated the earth from heaven to create the sky. On the third day God separated the waters on earth so there would be dry land. He created plants and trees that could bear fruit and seeds. God made theses plants so that they would be able to keep growing from the seeds that fell from them. On the fourth day God created the
My name is Asia Harvey. I am eighteen years old. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I am a freshman in college majoring in communications. Worldview to me means how everyone in the world interprets reality. I believe everyone has a worldview and it is influenced by our ethics, morals, and family values. It can also be influenced by what we hear, what we read, what we see or who we associate with. Worldview is mostly influenced by religion and science even though, a worldview can and do change. I believe the Christian worldview deals with the belief in the Bible. It leads me to believe that God created the universe in six days and on the last day he rested and that I am God's creation put on earth to fellowship with him and govern
According to Amy Scott Hassenpflug, Aaron D. Traphagem and Jamaica Johnson Conner, authors of Breaking Ground: Keys For Successful Online Learning, “Because your worldview is all-encompassing, it affects your thinking on every aspect of life, from what you view as right and wrong to how you spend your money and your time to what you think politically; it even impacts how you treat others” (p. 82). While Buddhism worldviews focus a lot on karma and rebirth, Christian worldviews tends to turn to God as their higher power. In this paper, I will discuss the similarities and differences between Buddhism and Christian worldviews.
The Bible tells us, in Genesis that God created us in his image to be the caretakers over all the animals He created before us. God first created Adam then created Eve from Adams rib. As a Christian, we believe this because it is in the living word. For Muslims, the origination of mankind is different. Instead of the Bible, Muslims have the Qur’an.
How Christian world view impact my career Having a Christian worldview is important in any field of study and workplace. A person who has a Christian worldview perceives the world from a biblical stand point. Having a Christian worldview is a life style. We choose to have a Christian worldview. We choose to live a life like Jesus did and when someone lives like this it affects everything they do.
According to an article by Time in the Word, “Our worldview is simply a grid through which we view all of life.” The way that we act or react to any given situation is funneled through assumptions or perspectives through which we have been exposed to, an effect of our culture. As sinful human beings, many do not understand that they are lost, and until they are exposed to the truth of God’s Word, they do not know anything but what they have been taught in society. Every man, woman, and child will be born with a world view unless shown differently. It is because of this that we need to be sure of our faith, knowledgeable in the Word, and certain about the truth. People often times see Christians as just another label someone puts on themselves to pretend to be all righteous and holy. These luke-warm Christians, wither they believe it or not, will answer to the All Mighty God for the
A Christian worldview is a theistic worldview in which it is believed everything that exists in because of God. Everything as we know it was created by God himself. Right off the bat the bible says “In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1 New American Standard Bible). The Bible says “God created man in his own image” (Gen 1:27), again showing God is the creator of everything, including humankind. In Rev.4:11, John gives glory to God for creating all things. God created everything, and it is through His will that we exist.
I believe each of us, as health professionals, have felt the calling on our lives to serve and help others. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” God has a perfect path set out for each of us. God is using my education to help improve the populations overall health as a tool to reach millions for his glory. “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3. I wholeheartedly believe that God is using me to love and help my community become healthier in both a physical and spiritual sense.
Everyone knows that when you plan on building anything you need the proper foundations to support whatever you plan on building. Whether you are building with Legos or actual wood, having the right foundation is important. To understand what a worldview is, one must first define it. According to Hiles and Smith (2014), a worldview “is a foundational set of assumptions to which one commits that serves as a framework for understanding and interpreting reality and deeply shapes one’s behavior”. This foundation starts at the very moment someone is born because “worldviews begin to form before people are aware that they are trusting in anything” (Hiles and Smith, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to discover the
Having a Christian worldview should not limit me from having a normal conversation or even engage with someone who differs from my beliefs. The very idea irritates me for I have encountered closed-minded people who will only speak and interact with who ever relates to their idealism, perhaps, a close-minded one. Further, when it comes to the future and type of work I would like to do, I would want for God to open doors in places where there is people that do not have a relationship with Him, no matter how bad it is. Perhaps, consequently my relationship and testimony would ignite a desire to have a relationship with God.
Due to the "highly subjective nature of most scientific theorizing... [we should] let the Bible speak for itself and modify our scientific view of origins accordingly." (as cited in Downey, D., & Porter, S., 2009).
Living my worldview in the world as we know it today might be difficult at times but not impossible. It is a matter of determination and not letting anybody change the way you think. As a Christian in this country you encounter with different nationalities, races and religions but If you are tolerant you will be able to understand the differences in our world and in this country. Respect speaks in all languages and I personally think we need a little more of that. The understanding or knowledge we can obtain from our personal experiences makes us different but it is also important to nurture our mind with new things to be open to the fact that we are living in a different era. I personally think we need God in our lives because there is a lot
A Christian worldview leads us to believe in moral absolutes, miracles, human dignity, and the possibility of redemption.
Religion these days have become the center of our attention as we contemplate whats right and what is wrong. Figuring out what religious views fit best with what you believe can be difficult to grasp as sometime we begin to wonder if what we read or believe actually is true. It is only human nature to question the beliefs that are set before us. Religious views all over the world have many spiritual beliefs and traditions that are all different in some way. It is important to have the knowledge of different religions as not everyone in this world believes the way you might. Having the sensitivity towards their belief is important and having the understanding that you can't change the way that they think. Two world religious views that are
Worldview is how someone would view the world around them. In a person’s world view it controls how their lives is lived out in the world, and how they would respond to certain things that goes on around them in the world. A person’s worldview is important to them, because it plays a big part in their lives, and they make ethical and moral decisions based on what their worldview is. A Christian’s worldview is described in how a person follows the teaching of Jesus in the bible, and he or she is committed to following Jesus teachings. According to John 14 verse 6 “Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life.” (The NIV Rainbow Study Bible, 2017). Christians believe in God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit, three in