Olympic Games
This paper is going to evaluate the extent on how the Olympic Games have lived up to the ideas and goals of olympisim. The paper will also evaluate key factors that have affected the Olympic Games and how it has affected the games. The paper will include on how racism have affected the Olympic Games.
The idea of Olympism was set up more than 120 years ago by Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Movement. He did this because he wanted to make the world a better place. He believed that this can be done though sport. He believed sport could help bring communities together, stop wars and promote healthy competition free from cheating and discrimination. Ultimately Coubertin wanted to show how sport can
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Olympism tells us that sport is a universal human right and we all should be free to practice it. Olympism is a great way to show how everyone in the world can better themselves. Pierre de Coubertin said; “Olympism is not a system it is a state of mind. It can permeate a wide variety of modes of expression and no single race or era can claim to have the monopoly of it”. (http://olympians.org/woa/olympism/ )
Olympism was formalised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC. The IOC established on 23rd June 1894 and it continues to promote Olympism around the world. (http://olympians.org/woa/olympism/). The WOA, honours the Olympic spirit by helping the 142 NOAs around the world run projects and events that support Olympians and that promote Olympism in the community.
Olympic ideas and goals
Goals of the Olympics is to break down barriers that could raise from, political, gender, race, or social background though sport. This allows everyone to be able to live together happy and to make a more free world for everyone. They will do this by educating youth through sport without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires an mutual understanding with the spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.
Idea that they Olympics have wanted to achieve, was that men and woman are equal and are able to compete. This was finally achieved in London 2012. Where the same number of men and woman competing, first time that this has happened been mainly
The modern Olympic movement has been shaped by many differentiating factors over the years. It has been altered by social, political, and economic factors. More specifically, warring times, changes to social structures, and economic activity that varies by country have been the overall leading factors that have shaped the Olympics over the years.
The olympics were shaped due to social reasons. Document 1’s author, Pierre de Coubertin, who is the founder of the modern Olympics, is a reliable asset to pursuing ideal peace with many other countries. The reason why he wants peace is because he wants to have the “disappearance of war” to be “utopians” which shows that he believes that the olympics one of the best answers to his goal. Similarly, in document 6, the Soviet Union’s Olympic organizing Committee also want to take part with “peace, democracy, and social progress.” This shows how more and more countries, even those with bad ties with others,
There are quite a few factors that shaped the modern-day Olympics from 1892 to 2002. Pierre de Coubertin states that he wanted to create the Olympics to spread world peace. He does this by substituting war for friendly sports competitions (doc 1). Of course, there were some bumps in the road while trying to achieve this utopia. Some factors that have changed the Olympics are the allowing of women being able to compete in the Olympics, women’s suffrage, nationalism, wars, and economic conditions (doc 2-7).
Starting with Document 3, we are shown how the Nazi’s took the Olympic Games during the period of World War 2. Document 3 shows that the Nazi’s interpreted the Olympic games as a competition showing what countries have the most power in the world. Since during World War 2, The Nazi’s were trying to spread their ideas and beliefs to the world and they thought a good way to do this was the Olympic Games since their interpretation of the Olympic Games was a way to show a country's supremacy. In the end, The Nazi’s were provoked to cheat as they were caught practicing a course before the course was to be presented. In the end, the world was shown what would happen when national conflicts are brought into the Olympic games.
In sport we have to take in a range of different performers, who come from various different backgrounds cultures and beliefs, each of these has its own demands and regulations for participation in sport and so it is the job of different organisations and sporting parties to overcome this, finding ways to include and allow everyone to participate in sport.
There are multiple elements that shaped the modern Olympic movement from 1892 to 2002. The concept of the modern Olympic movement was to create a global brotherhood using a common interest of all the country’s to bring them together. There were three main factors that shaped the modern Olympic movement, women’s suffrage, economy, and intercountry politics. Feminism helped to shape the Olympic movement because feminism brought women into the Olympic movement because they wanted to prove they could do anything. Nationalism helped to shape the Olympic movement because it brought back rivalries between country’s that were once at war, and the feelings of those country’s due to the outcome of the wars they were in. economics helped shape the Olympic
In sport we have to take in a range of different performers, who come from various different backgrounds cultures and beliefs, each of these has its own demands and regulations for participation in sport and so it is the job of different organisations and sporting parties to overcome this, finding ways to include and allow everyone to participate in sport.
The Olympic games originated in Athens in 776 B.C. The more popular modern day Olympic games began nearly 2300 years later in 1896. The games no longer represented a religious festival, but a sports competition instead. The games can be studied via multiple aspects such as political, social, and economic, but this paper will concentrate on the economic aspect of the games and more specifically, the macroeconomic impacts the games possess.
The Olympics are held every four years and are used as a global stage for many thousands of sportsmen and women who come from many different countries around the world to demonstrate their abilities ranging from running to rowing. In theory, the Olympic Games are supposed to be free from any politics and be purely about the athlete’s competition and celebrations. It is supposed to be non-gender, non-religion and non-race biased to show the accomplishment of the athletes that compete. Sporting officials are also supposed to be un-biased offering equal opportunities to all athletes.
As a sporting mega-event, the Olympic Games have numerous social impacts on the people, not only on those from the host country, but on individuals all over the globe.
The modern Olympic movement was shaped by the friendly and peaceful competition going on around the world since countries did not want to invoke more war than had already happened. In document #1 the founder of the modern Olympic movement talked about how they were going to let their athletes speak for their country instead of battling and war. Meaning he wanted to be able to settle rivalries
According to Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in [the] Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.” Because of the establishment of this international document, much progression toward the equality of rights for all with inherited and acquired traits has been achieved over time. In particular, gender equality has made a great deal of headway since the Olympic Games in ancient Greece. Even though this may be the case, there is no doubt that female athletes are far from considered equal as compared to male athletes in modern sports. In today’s sports society, women athletes are still discriminated against based on lower salaries, less media coverage, and lack of opportunity.
Ancient Olympics originated in a religious way and influenced modern Olympics greatly in many forms. The Olympics were a very important part of Greek culture because it honored their god, Zeus. Gods played an important role in the ancient Olympics but slowly started focusing more on competition. Like today, participating in the Olympics was a great honor and the winners were well rewarded and respected. The Olympics have brought people together for several years to compete and have fun, at least for the viewers. The Olympics started off from naked Greek men, to all genders and ethnicities competing.
First of all, the first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896. The man responsible for its rebirth was a Frenchman named Baron Pierre de Coubertin. Today, the Olympic Games are the world's largest pageant of athletic skill and competitive spirit.
Sport plays a huge role in today’s society. It contributes to one’s health and fitness, social interaction, social and motor skills, patriotism, fun and entertainment. It also stimulates the economy and tourism leading to interaction between different cultures, for example the Olympics, and sport role models. Sports clearly are an important part of cultures and societies around the world as such events as the Olympics