
How Successful Was The Tsarist Regime Between 1861-1881? Achieving Its Aims?

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How successful was opposition to the tsarist regime between 1861-1881 in achieving its aims?
The opposition included the intelligentsia which involved Miikhail Bakunin, the populist which involved Mikhail Romas, black partition and the Peoples Will. These groups were successful to a certain extent between 1861- 1881 in achieving its aims. These groups had both long term and short term objectives some of these groups were successful others not.
Furthermore the intelligentsia though relatively tiny since the existence of literate and educated Russians was limited, their size and influence grew in the 1970s. Some of the younger generations in the 1860s where inspired by the movement. The need for action was also encouraged by the works of a number of intellectual thinkers including Mikhail Bakunin. He believed that’s the state crushes individual freedom and should therefore be removed, this was a long term goal. The intelligentsia posed a threat to the tsarist regime this was because not only were they knowledgeable about western developments, many had travelled abroad, but also read, wrote in the press went to the theatre and were determined to change what they believed to be outmoded and inhabiting Russian ways. In 1862 a group of students published a manifesto titled Young Russia in which they argued that revolution was the only way forward. In 1862 a series of fires in St Petersburg destroyed over 2000 shops. This was a result of young Russia when they called for radical

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