
How Stress Influences Disease Study

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Every morning when we wake up we might have our day planned out perfectly, not realizing that we may run into a problem throughout the day that will interrupt those plans. Everyone handles their problems differently , most times we allow the issue to overwhelm us by letting our emotions get the best of us instead of taking a moment to think clearly. As humans, it's in our nature to attempt to solve our problems on our own and harbor our feelings, not realizing the harm we are causing to our mind and bodies by holding everything in. This automatically causes us to panic bringing stress upon ourself putting us in a negative mind frame. Stress will cause us to become depressed, angry , sickly or suicidal if taken in an negative way, but if perceived with …show more content…

According to ***Carnegie Mellon University. (2012, April 2). How stress influences disease: Study reveals inflammation as the culprit. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 16, 2016 from, being under a tremendous amount of stress prevents the cells in our immune system from responding to hormonal control, causing inflammation, which is responsible for cardiovascular, asthma, autoimmune and disorder . During the experiment healthy participants received a shot causing a cold virus to see how well the immune system fights off the virus while under stress. The purpose of the study was to figure out to reduce infection in a highly stressed individual. Being under stress can automatically create a negative mind frame; insyead of thinking how things can go right, we start to automatically think of how they can go wrong. Though we think negative being under stress helps increase our focus on more positive things. In Association for Psychological Science. (2012, February 28). Stress changes how people make decisions.

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