
How Social Media has Changed Business Essay

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Social networking sites – or social media – is defined in the text as “online community for expanding users’ business or social contacts by making connections through their mutual business or personal connections.” (Laudon, & Laudon, 2010) In more practical terms I define social networking as usage of web tools to share gather and use knowledge about both your business and yourself. The intent of this paper is to identify areas where both business and business professions could best leverage social media for the advantage of the company. The usage of social media has grown and nielsenwire gives that between 2008 and 2009 the “global time spend on social media sites was up 82%” (Nielsenwire, 2010) Nielsonwire further gives that the top …show more content…

There have been many recent articles that attempt to identify and pin point was to do just this. Techcrunch author Evelyn Rusli gives some very reasonable ways for a company to leverage social media in what she deems a “meaningful way that impacts your brand and your bottom line” (Rusli, 2010) These begin with four main rules as detailed below; 1. Don’t fondle the hammer – Livingston defines fondling the hammer as getting too caught up in the specific tool and forgetting that the tool is just a way to achieve the business strategy. In relationship to social media this is advising to not get caught up in the “shinny” factor of the media but to use the media as a tool to again impact your brand and your bottom line. A company could easily delve and invest too deep in social media and forget the business strategy and intent of using the tool of social media. (Livingston, 2010) 2. Live the 80% rule – Rusli explains this as simply “getting your company ready for social media” (Rusli, 2010) Rulsi states that this preparation is 80% of a company’s success within the social media arena. (Rusli, 2010) 3. Customers don’t care what department you’re in – The customer with a problem wants their problem fixed – they do not care that the person on the phone is not in the area that

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