
How Social Class Is Impacted My Childhood, Deviance And Education

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Social class is defined as a system of stratification based on access to such resources as wealth, property, power and prestige (186). The social class system is typically passed down from the parent to the child. Our textbook quotes, “Although children tend to “inherit” the social class of their parents, during the course of a lifetime they can move up or down levels in the strata” (186). Therefore, this system is not affected by race, ethnicity, gender or age. However, social class may overlap depending on specific variables. Personally, my family’s social class status would be classified as the middle class. The middle class is composed of primarily “white collar” workers with a broad range of education and income; and make up about 30 percent of the U.S. population (188). Throughout this essay, I will distinguish how my social class has impacted my childhood, deviance and education. From the moment a person is born, they enter the world with an ascribed status. An ascribed status is an inborn status and is usually difficult or impossible to change (116). My ascribed status is that I am a white/caucasian female. Because I come from a white/caucasian family, we would be considered more “privileged” than others. However, because this system is not based on race or ethnicity, our assigned class in society had everything to do with how my parents worked and lived their lives. When I was younger, my family’s social class status was considered to be the working/lower-middle

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