
How LSD Affects Psychotherapy

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When mentioning psychedelics, the majority of people think of hippies taking drugs and hallucinating. Even though psychedelics is connected with a negative view it can be a catalyst in psychological growth and a medicine that has the potential to help treat patients with mental disorders. Most people believe that mental disorders are rare and occurs in “other people”. In fact, mental disorders are a lot more common than people believe. Most families are often caught off guard when learning one of them has a mental illness. To many families, it can be physically and emotionally exhausting, and can make us feel vulnerable to the judgments of others. Psychedelic gives people a way to see the world in a new light. A significant amount of Americans have experienced “alternative” realities that is usually explored with psychedelic use. The word psychedelics was created in 1956 and is referred as “mind …show more content…

According to Scott A. McGreal, there was a strong relationship between the participants who enjoyed the LSD experience to their psychological growth ( In his article he labels the groups, the peakers who had intensely positive experiences by describing their perceptions as beauty, understanding, and self-transcendence and non-peakers who were disappointed and or frightened. Carhart-Harris and the colleagues determined how much psychological growth was improved by using a measure of self-actualization, a concept developed by Abraham Maslow. The test subjects were given LSD for nine months, after the nine months the group labeled as peakers scored significantly higher on a measure of self-actualization compared to non-peakers ( Their self-actualization scale used a broad range of things relating to psychological health, such as: appreciating relationships, greater happiness, less anxiety, nature appreciation and so

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