
How Juneteenth Changed America

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After doing a little bit of research I had found what Juneteenth actually was all about. "Juneteenth" or June 19th is the date that slavery officially ended all over America. specifically it ended back in 1865 when U.S. Army Union officer Gordon Granger arrived at Galveston, Texas to tell everyone that the war had ended and that all slavery was abolished. Interestingly enough, this was two years after Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation. The reason why the new law was never really enforced in Texas however was because of the lack of union soldiers in the state. After this, many plantation slaves received there first taste of freedom and with this some went north to union states and others spread out to the surrounding states …show more content…

During the early 1900s Juneteenth began to fade from popularity as a holiday. This was mainly because classrooms and textbooks began to skip over the fact of General Granger's arrival in Galveston, Even today almost all textbooks don't even make a mention of the holiday. This is why I believe no one in our class knew about this date, I feel as though most schools probably think that its not important since they can just shorten the explanation to "slavery was abolished with the emancipation proclamation". Another similar example to this is how schools teach that Columbus was the first to discovered America, when the reality is that thats the farthest thing from the truth. Also I suppose that the holiday is probably more prominent down south near Texas and in what was the confederate states. However, now going back to what lead to Juneteenth fading from popularity; with the great depression happening in the 30s many people could not take the time off of work to go and celebrate the holiday. However, over the next 50 years the holiday would makes different appearances and in 1980 was officially made into a state official holiday. Now, Junetheenth seems to be spreading all over the country with different committees popping up all over the

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