
How Is Victor Frankenstein Related To Science

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In Shelley's Frankenstein, it's interesting to see how Mary Shelley both admires and despises science. When writing the novel, Shelley makes a point to note that Victor's idea to create life through inanimate body parts is noble and the science behind the idea could become a great scientific leap for mankind. On the other hand, Mary Shelley makes the point that Victor Frankenstein's life fell into turmoil and destruction from his obsession to obtain the power to create life. Through the many experiments his obsession brought him, Victor Frankenstein was able to create life, a feat that no man had yet been able to achieve. However in his haste, Victor created a monster rather than a human. The monster created by Victor can be considered as …show more content…

Today in order to conduct scientific research a scientist must distance themselves from individuals while conducting there research. By doing so they release all liability if something goes wrong during an experiment. The purpose of distancing themselves from a test subject is mostly for legal purposes. However, a scientist distances themselves emotionally as well so that they can feel better about what they are doing in the event of a mistake. Scientists consistently tend to blindly pursue and test there knowledge without waiting for the research necessary to safely use said knowledge. In order to advance as a society it is important to seek after knowledge, but it is more important for people to know when to use the knowledge they have acquired. Shelley seemed to realize this and symbolized it in the novel. Shelley pointed all of the good things that could have came from Victor's scientific ambitions in Victor's mind but she also made it clear what Victor's intentions were. By doing so Shelley symbolized that science itself does not destroy our humanity but it is the choices we make while pursuing science that leads humanity into harmful and self-destructive habits or

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