
How Is The Big Short Movie Related To The Economy

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The movie “The Big Short” is related to the economy because it talks about a financial banking crisis in the economy. It goes along talking about the subprime mortgage bond market that had been created during the 1990s and how it had got even more complicated with the introduction of the credit default swap and collateralized debt obligation. These instruments were designed to help spread the risk associated with subprime mortgage bonds, but because they were not carefully packaged, assessed, or managed, they ended up bringing the entire system down. A bond is a promise usually from a government or corporation to make regular interest payments on borrowed money, and, eventually, to pay back the borrowed principal. For generations, financial markets have traded bonds. Given that a bond represents an income stream based on borrowed money, Wall Street, in the late 1980s realized that it could create “bond-like” financial products from other debt-based income streams like credit cards, student loans and home …show more content…

And they dug deeply into the bonds that the entire system was built upon and discovered that there were serious differences between the different, supposedly safe, subprime mortgage bonds. So they started betting that the “safe” bonds would go bad, because these men saw there was no other option. But Less than 20 traders would ultimately go short on subprime mortgage bonds even banks that should have known better were long subprime mortgages when the market collapsed.

The system had been rigged, it was clear, but even with attempts to keep the values of subprime mortgage bonds artificially high, values collapsed. The government allowed the Brothers to go bankrupt, which triggered more panic in the markets. Commercial lending froze, paralyzing businesses in American and across the globe. Many Americans lost their jobs, savings and retirement

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