
How Is The Acarcible Quotes In The Crucible

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The sins of deceit and lust have plagued the human race since the dawn of time. These feelings and wishes can make people do some of the worst things known man. In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, these two sins are applied to many characters one of which is Abigail Williams. The play revolves around the Abigail and her friends attempting to cover up their past transgressions against the Salem community while Abigail attempts to get together with John Proctor. Abigail suffers from the sins of lust and deceit most chronically which she uses to fulfill her agenda throughout the play. Due to Abigail's lust for John and her constant utility of untruths lead the people to fear for their lives leading them to hurt innocent people making Abigail the main transgressor of the Salem condition.

Once Abigail is assigned as an official of the court she and the other girls immediately began deceitfully abusing their powers. The first major time we hear of Abigail try to abuse her power is when she accuses Elizabeth Proctor. The Info is revealed to us by Mary Warren “I Saved Your life today! … Somewhat mentioned. But I said I never see no sign you ever sent your spirit out to hurt no one, and seeing I do live so closely with you, they dismissed it”(Miller 59). Thought Mary didn’t we bluntly say it was Abigail due to the rules of the court it doesn't take Elizabeth long to figure out it was Abigail “[Abigail] wants me dead. I knew all week it would come to this! … she will cry me out

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