
How Is Sparta Better

Decent Essays

Sparta is the strongest city-state in all of Greece. Their army could smash through their opponents with their battle formation, the phalanx. What made it so that this powerful city-state so strong? Their education, of course! In this essay, you will learn how the Spartan tutoring was helpful so that they could become the strong military city that they are. One way that proves the education of Sparta helpful was that they were prepared for gruesome conditions. In Document B in section 3-5, it states that Spartans are given less food, less clothing, and no shoes. That is not a harmful thing, but a helpful thing to do. When fighting in cold conditions, the Spartans are not cold and weary like the opponent is, and can fight just like they fight in the heat. When the ground is spiky and slippery, Sparta is prepared. They are used to those conditions because they have no shoes. On the battlefield, the army may not have much access to food. That could weaken an army. But the Spartan army is not affected by that. They're not given much food back at home, so they are used to having less food. That is one way that the training of Sparta helped. …show more content…

That is actually a good skill to have if you live in the city of Sparta. In article B, it states, "He also allowed them to alleviate their hunger by stealing something." It also states, "That taught the kids to be sneaky and sly." When the kids grow up and become soldiers, they could be sent to go and raid an enemy's supplies. Their old instinct will help them not get caught, and get away with the supplies that they have stolen from a rival city-state like Athens. That is another way how the Spartans were taught was beneficial to their

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