
How Is Scout Mature In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Maturity is not when we start speaking big things, it is when we start understanding the small things” – Unknown author. This quote represents what scout has learned throughout the story of To Kill a Mockingbird. As readers, we notice Scout changes in several ways.she becomes more mature, understanding, and more respectful. Through out the story, Scout changes becoming more mature. Scout’s view of adults change dramatically. During the beginning of the story, Scout has no filter over opinions and comment, she says to Calpernia,”He ain’t company, Cal he’s just a Cunningham.”(Lee;24) Scout learns from Atticus to hold her true opinion to her self. Scout learns that she needs to respect other people even if she disagrees with them. Scout also learns that everyone is not treated equally. Calpernia is treated like Scout’s Aunt Alexandria, and Tom Robinson is not treated like other white men. Scout becomes more mature by knowing the truth that African-Americans are less educated and are not liked in Maycomb. Scout becoming more mature makes her understand Atticus more and know that he is courageous for defending Tom Robinson. …show more content…

Scout under stands more about people like Atticus and Boo Radley. As early as chapter 3, Atticus gives the advice “ You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb in his skin and walk around in it.” This piece of moral advice stays within Scout. This is clear when she things from Boo Radley’s perspective, Scout finds out that Boo is a nice man, but very lonely. Boo Radley had a pure heart, and did things for the children out of love, not recognition. The mature and understanding Scout was able to reach out to him, in a thoughtful way, walking him home like she an adult. This shows that she understands everyone is different and she can respect them the way they

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