
How Is Mayella Ewell A Sympathetic Character

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Mayella Ewell deserves no sympathy at all for her actions not only in court but at her house also. She lied in the courtroom to the jury and all the townspeople about what occurred that day at her house. She knew Tom Robinson didn't rape her and she knew he couldn't have but she depended solely one thing: Tom’s race. She felt that if something went wrong her side of the story would be believed and she had nothing to lose. Mayella Ewell is not a sympathetic character because she lied in the court of law, she tried to get Tom Robinson killed, and she could have just stood up for herself in court.
Mayella lied about the events in which took place at the Ewell family house during the trial for Tom Robinson. Atticus- “Did you ever ask him to come in the fence before?” Mayella- “ I certainly did not.” This quote shows Mayella lying to everyone in the courtroom if Tom had ever came inside the fence before. She lied intentionally because she felt if the jury knew he had came inside the fence many times before they might believe Tom’s story instead of hers. Mayella knew that if she had lied about what had happened the jury would believe her just because she was white and Tom was black. …show more content…

Mayella- “No, I don’t recollect if he hit me. I mean yes I do, he hit me.” Mayella’s skepticism in her answer illustrates the fact that she forgot to lie and then realized she had to cover it up if she wanted to win the case. All the stuff she claimed Tom did were to make it sound as if he had raped her and beat her, even though the evidence was very strong that there was no way Tom physically could have done what she claimed. Mayella fully understood that if Tom were to be proven guilty he was going to die but she didn’t

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