
How Is Liesel Portrayed In The Book Thief

Decent Essays

The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak, is a book told from the viewpoint of Death, set in Nazi Germany during World War II. It takes place in a poor neighborhood on Himmel Street. In the beginning, Liesel Meminger, the main character, is a young girl who travels with her mother and younger brother, to meet her new foster parents, Rosa and Hans Hubermann. On the way, Liesel’s brother became ill and died, which was very traumatic for Liesel. It is at this point when Death notices Leisel and follows her throughout the story. After her brother’s burial, Liesel noticed a book called the Grave Digger's Handbook lying on the ground. Although Liesel is illiterate, she takes it, which was her first of many stolen books. At first, Liesel is defiant to her …show more content…

Her papa never berated her, but instead, would read to her and slowly taught her how to read and write. Liesel’s mama, Rosa, on the other hand, is strict and would always go on tirades about everything that annoyed her. Despite Rosa’s mean demeanor, Liesel obeyed her by delivering the laundry Rosa washed and ironed to people because she knew Rosa loved her. When Liesel delivered laundry to the mayor’s house, the mayor’s wife let Liesel come in and read books in her library. One day, when money got tight, the mayor’s wife, along with everyone else Liesel delivered to, informed her that they could no longer employ Rosa. The mayor’s wife tried to give Liesel a book and told her she could come read anytime, but Liesel thought it was a pity gift and insulted the mayor’s wife unscrupulously. A few weeks later, the Hubermann’s took in a Jew, Max Vandenburg, who was recluse in the basement. Then Max got a horrific affliction and was forced to sleep in Liesel’s room. Even though Max’s recovery seemed hapless, Liesel was always optimistic that Max would recuperate. Liesel brought him gifts and read to him while he was ill, which shows how caring Liesel is to

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