
How Is King Lear Wise

Decent Essays

One of the most famous and comedic lines the Fool says in King Lear is “Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst been wise” referring to our societal assumption that old people are wise. (1.5.38-39). But the Fool bluntly points out that King Lear is not wise in how he splits his kingdom. King Lear’s fatal mistake is that he believes that someone’s love can be measured by words. In Act 3 Scene 2, King Lear has his pivot point where he begins to learn about real love. He is old, and now is becoming wise as his “wits begin to turn” (3.2.66). Right after he declares his descent into madness, he asks his Fool how he is doing—the first time Lear has shown general curiosity for someone’s well being. As he assumes this motherly role of taking

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