
How Is John Alienated In Brave New World

Decent Essays

John in Brave New World John was one of the main characters in Brave New World. He was an outsider in his homeland of the Savage Reservation, and even more so in the World State in London. He did not fit in with either culture. His moral values and his literacy enriched him, but they also alienated him and brought about his suicide. In the World State, he was not able to deal with his internal conflict of desire and morality. John was born on the Savage Reservation to a mother and father from the World State. The Indians on the Savage Reservation believed in God and decency. They believed that no one could belong to more than one person. In the civilized World State, everyone belonged to everyone (p. 121). The people only worshipped technology, not God. John’s mother tried to “condition” John to her World State, but John never understood the kind of life or place that his mother had left behind. He naturally had lighter complexion (p. 117) than the other Indians. Because he was different, he was not allowed to participate in the Indian religious rituals. He always felt alone (p. 136). His mother tried to comfort him by teaching him to read. He read The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Through his reading, he became enriched in knowledge. He gained an …show more content…

They liked John and felt badly for his situation. He was an exile in his own land. Bernard and Lenina took John and Linda to the World State. Here, John never adapted to the new culture. This was a place where people were not born of a mother and father, but made in test tubes, with varying techniques according to the desired caste of the humans being made. It was a totalitarian state where everything was controlled by the government. John and the leader were at odds on the social order that existed, but his knowledge of Shakespeare and Christianity allowed him to effectively communicate his criticism of the World State. His tried to change his new

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