
How Is Holden Caulfield A Phony

Decent Essays

“The Catcher in the Rye” is an unbelievable novel. It focuses on the protagonist Holden Caufield. In this essay I will show that Holden is a phony. A ph is someone who is not genuine. In the novel “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D Salinger the main character Holden Caufield accuses others of being a phony, when in fact he comes across as a phony through his hypocrisy, irresponsibility, and judgment. First, I will show Holden’s phoniness by looking at his hypocritical tendencies. Holden has accused others of being a phony on several occasions. “ I can just see the big phony bastard shifting into first gear and asking Jesus to send a few more stiffs.”( Salinger 20) and “ One of the biggest reasons I left Elkton Hills was because I was surrounded …show more content…

He is judgmental because he judges his parents for living a phony lifestyle when he willingly takes their money into his own pocket. Another reason he is judgmental is because he judges his peers at Pencey when he is the one failing. “Sleep tight, ya morons.” (Salinger 59). Finally, Holden is judgmental because he sees/ points out the bad in everyone. Especially Gleeson 3 when he sees a group of people Holden only can see the bad “Everybody sticks together in these dirty little goddam cliques. The guys that are on the basketball team stick together, the Catholics stick together, the goddam intellectuals stick together, the guys that play bridge stick together. Even the guys that belong to the goddam Book-of-the-Month-club stick together.” To conclude, Holden is a judgmental person which makes him to h=genuine, which proves his phoniness. In conclusion, this essay proves that Holden is a phony. For the duration of the novel Holden showcases his ungenuine characteristics. These characteristics would be that Holden is hypocrite because he tells says he does not like when people do certain things but he does them himself. He is irresponsible because he does not have any sense of responsibility. Finally, He is judgmental because he judges almost everyone around him. These reasons are why Holden Caufield is in fact a

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