
How Is Eve Presented In Genesis 4 God

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In Genesis four God is portrayed through his discovery and reaction of Abel’s death by Cain. Cain is angry that he receives less favor for his crops then Abel does for his livestock, and out of jealousy he kills Abel. Cain tries to fool God, but he quickly realizes that Cain has killed his brother. God banishes Cain and states, “If anyone kills Cain, sevenfold vengeance shall be taken on him.” Cain has committed a capital offense in Biblical Law, and God punishes Cain accordingly. After reading the Genesis four one passage from weeks two and three stood out to me as it features god’s children acting against his will, similarly as Cain does in Genesis 4. The passage that sticks out is Genesis three. Genesis tells of the Garden of Eden and the mis-action taken by Adam and Eve that resulted in harsh repercussions for them both. God punishes Adam with banishment and Eve with the pain of childbirth.
God is mainly portrayed …show more content…

In Genesis three God states “You shall not eat of it or touch it, lest you die.” God is testing Adam and Eve, and they failed. God would not let them perish from eating the fruit but he wanted to test the two so that he knew whether they were loyal or not. God similarly tests Cain’s loyalty after he gives Abel more favor for his offering than Cain and states, “Surely, if you do right, there is uplift. But if you do not do right Sin couches at the door; Its urge is toward you, Yet you can be its master.” Here God has explained to Cain that if he continues to give his crops soon he see greater favor, but he also talks of the temptations Cain faces, and fulfills soon after. Adam, Eve, and Cain are all children of god, and he wanted to test out how children acted out of free will. They all acted against his will and they were harshly punished for their insubordinate

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