
How Is Athens Citizenship

Decent Essays

Athens Citizenship In the beginning of the sixth century BCE the idea of people participating in a role of society started to develop and later evolved into the status of people given by their government; citizenship. With citizenship came the theory of social contract, which stated that if a citizen does their part for their nation their nation shall do theirs. As the theory evolved the Roman republic focused more on how their people interacted with the other citizens and participated in their government rather than the citizen’s responsibility which was the main emphasis in the city-state of Athens. Athens had stricter guidelines to become a citizen, but allowed more freedom when they have received the title of being a citizen, unlike the Romans, which constricted their citizens based on their initial background and/or gender (Citizenship in Athens and Rome Background Essay). The Athenian city-state had an overall superior citizenship organization than the Romans because there citizens had the ability to have an input, no matter their assets, various were accepted as …show more content…

Citizens have a say in society changing events
a) In the Athenian society all citizens were able to voice their own opinions and agree on the actions being done in a democratic way to benefit society.
b) In document D it states that each citizen writes down a name of a person who they think is becoming too powerful for their status in society and in the end the person with their name written down the most is to be ostracized. This demonstrates the act of being any citizen able to impact society by voicing their own opinion in a fair way.
c) Also in document E it shows that all citizens of Athens were able to attend the meetings of the Assembly, which discussed the matters of their society in a political manner this clearly shows that the citizens that attended these meetings at the Pnyx were able to interact with the laws and regulations of their own society.
2. Citizenship

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