
How Has Technology Changed American Culture

Decent Essays

Technology is such a big part of our lives now so we can already say that the next generation will depend on technology because it is already such a big part of the world that it with consume the world. Society needs to open their eyes and see how much technology has changed America's culture and daily life. Electronic technology has already changed and been a big part of every area of society in just the last five years. Technology is changing family life, jobs, society, community, and even life in general. Technological change leads to more social changes. At first during the Industrial revolution a lot people packed up and moved so that they could go find work in the factories all in the cities but now most factories are don’t need a lot …show more content…

It affects about 80% of people’s daily lives. From being the greatest at videogames or the funniest person on YouTube they have all consumed you and also how you live in your daily life. Our generation of teenagers/young adults are becoming more and more lazy and dependent on technology so there is no telling how much more lazy the next generation will be. I think technology has made our generation of teens more ignorant, greedy, and lazy. As my parents always say “well when I was a kid we didn’t have all those little fancy cell phones, televisions with 1000 channels or high-tech computers back then all we had was a bike, ball, and our imagination.” And I’ll just roll my eyes even though I know for a fact that each generation is just fading more and more and depending on technology way too much. I wouldn’t be surprised if soon, people made chairs that will hover around to get a drink from the fridge or to take you to and from the rooms in the house so they don’t have to get up and walk to do simple tasks. Technology is taking over our world and no one is realizing this. Computers and cell phones are good tools for everyone to use, but it doesn’t need to be used for every little thing. Technology can be useful it many ways like curing cancer or school work. It should be used is as a tool or for helpful reasons, and should not be used for laziness or ignorance. Overall technology has a huge impact on our lives and the lives of our future

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