
How Gender Affected My Life

Satisfactory Essays

My gender is something that effects my life everyday. Since I am a female I am looked at differently. I have to work harder than men and I am treated differently than men. Some examples of this include men holding doors open for me when I am out places. Also, I am not expected to pay for anything when I am with a man because it is cultured to think men pick up the tab. Being a woman is something I take pride in. Although I am talked to differently I am very firm in my identity. Being a woman I believe has made me stronger. I have learned to protect myself and make sure I and respected by my peers. My age is also something that effects my life. I am 19 years old and is plays a big role in my life. I am technically an adult but still looked …show more content…

On one side when I tell people I work for an anesthesiologist I am looked at and respected for having such a good job at such a young age. Although, on the other side when I tell people what I do they question if I am qualified to be working there. Even though many people do not know the specific job I have in the company they jump to many different conclusions without asking what I exactly do. I am the only one in my family currently working in the medical field. I enjoy my job and it helps with income for the family. My region has an impact in my life because I am where I am because of family. I am from Mississippi but moved to Memphis at a young age. My parents moved here for better jobs to be able to provide for the family. They also moved for a better school system for both myself and my older brother. I still live in Memphis today to help my family in their time of need while I go to school close by. My variables are all different and have different impacts on my life. Although these things have impacted me I have learned to cope with the bad and the good society faces me with every day. Also, it has helped me decide what my priorities are in life and what is important to me. My family is the most important thing in my life and they are the ones who keep me going in the good times and bad. I am who I am today because of my

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